Following the success of last years Sell Out 100% Vegan Music Festival, Vegstock returns at the Piano Works in Farringdon for a second helping of great music, food and clothing.

Phoebe Katis
Queen V
Jessica Diamond
Jade Stanger
Red Cable Sunday
DJ Deccy

Performing Artist Song Links: (Phoebe Katis) (Queen V) (Jessica Diamond)

Shakey Shakey Vegan
Sheila’s Vegan Kitchen

Event details: Sunday 20th January, event runs 2pm until 8pm.

Get Tickets NOW:


Find out more about VEGSTOCK and Queen V on the below links


Last Years Vegstock:

Queen V:



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The Retreat ANIMAL SANCTUARY – Halloween OPEN DAY last of the year 2018

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The Retreat ANIMAL SANCTUARY – Halloween OPEN DAY last of the year 2018

The Retreat was absolutely heaving with people attending the last open day of the year.

The event centered around key activities and areas for both Families and adults.

Awganica (alkaline Veganism), Rudy and the Heavy Weathers, Reading Animal Rights, Halloween kids disco, The Animal Charity Shop, Cafe, Food stalls, Clothing, Jewelry and accessories updated on the piglets, kiss a cow, new cattery, information room with take away leaflets to raise awareness of animal rights, and guided tours for the other animals further out from the centre hub.

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Halloween – Family Disco, Pumpkin Carving, Food stalls and cafe, and the charity Shop

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Mothers Dianne and Autumn’s Piglets litter one month on and the rest of the Pigs

If you would like to Sponsor a Piglet, please contact the Retreat on the below link with the header – Sponsor a Piglet:

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Galloanserae, and Galliformes, not just a poultry issue: sign up for adoption

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Music, Clothing, health and vitality, Awareness and Animal Rights area

Band Info:

Alkaline Veganism:

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Guided tours of the fields and animal enclosures – Equidae, Bovine and friends

To find out more about the Retreat, volunteering and veganism follow the below link:

Some people wonder why we help animals in need, personally I wonder why THEY wonder. There is nothing so rewarding, healing and meaningful as to mend a broken life, to restore happiness where fear have leached in to the bones of a sentient being due to heinous acts of cruelty, all in all this as much to do with Human Wrongs as it is to do with Animal Rights.

Be part of the change. Support the rescue and provide us with what we need to ensure a healthy, happy and long life.

DONATE to the Retreat:

In addition to direct donations for feed, the Retreat also look for assistance with buildings and maintenance , blankets and covers and equipment for the café.

There is also an Amazon wish list is available for direct purchases for the rescue centre:

DISCLAIMER: Links to information on sites other than those operated by FISHINABOX RECORDS are for your convenience only and are not an endorsement or recommendation of those sites. FISHINABOX RECORDS does not control or provide any content or information at these sites, makes no representation or warranty of any kind with respect to these sites or their content, and does not maintain, operate, or take responsibility for information provided. FISHINABOX RECORDS does not endorse and is not responsible for the accuracy or reliability of such content or information and any use thereof is solely at the user’s risk.

Animal Rights Photography 2018 CALENDAR – ORDER NOW – London Underground REAL NEWS

Animal Rights Photography 2018 CALENDAR – ORDER NOW – London Underground REAL NEWS

In a reality asylum of the buy now pay later world of emotionally disconnected automated unrepentant pre-programmed national consumerism; photographs can be one of the most ground breaking and eye opening truth spreakers.

As the last of the old breed of Investigative journalists such as John Pilger now start to give way to the rise of the social media phenomenon in recording stark events; most of the western world (67%) now sources its news reporting form non commercial feeds. “Anony-News” gives the public access to real time events, underplayed or simply overwritten by the fake news and alternative facts commercial bandwagon. For the truth seeker the importance of following underground reporting cannot be understated.

We need to support the work of underground photographers, to give it place and space in our feeds , social media, on our bumper stickers, patches on jackets, graffiti on walls, banners and slogans on t-shirts. art in our living rooms..

ANIMAL RIGHTS PHOTOGRAPHY are out on the streets day and night documenting , investigating, exposing for a better world , to turn the tide against ignorance and abuse. Please Support their work here:



The Commercial media machines will continue to lie, deceive and manipulate advertising and news en mass to keep a nation of self oppressed and oppressing people uneducated, blank and idiotically simplistic in their understanding of the world we live in. They do not though own the internet and no longer do they own “the truth”. The real truth , the whole truth and nothing but the truth. It is out there, if YOU are capable of one very simple birth given skill ….

Free Thinking

The Animal rights Calendar 2018 focuses each month on Specific Anony-News events. Underground activism drives the issues that matter on the internet and this collection showcases some of the greatest and the most striking event images of this year in the hope that you, will unplug and engage.

The Calendar collection focuses specifically on the most vulnerable and at risk members of our society, the voiceless.

The current target of Theresa May’s sell out and sink Britain class war Government (Tories believe its ok to kill animals because apparantly they say they don’t have any feelings – why ? because to agree they actually do, as Europe does { british “blackshirts” couple never agree with Europe} will damage the profit line on the “sausage coin”)

The voiceless: the enslaved, the beaten, confined and that in endless haunting screams, murdered for nothing more trite and banal than a marketing driven corporate scam and profit machine under the misdemeanor of “choice”.

When Corbyn bangs on about “for the many” he is still “one”, you are the many and the animal even more so in their millions. It is not for “leadership contenders to assume they are well placed to lead but actually for the masses that puts the responsibility on each and every one of you to be active. Politics – Left Wing / Right Wing it is ALL Self Wing – a Game of Thrones and the so called Peoples Parliament sold to the highest “marketeer” for Profit.

The only Self wing party you should subscribe to is your own, choose your words based on truth , don’t be spoon fed the lies.

Stop being a consumer , be a Human Being NOW. That requires Humanity, yet the voiceless are subject to daily in-humane treatment for one reason and one true reason only, because the masses, yes that’s YOU, are willfully ignorant about the truth or simply ignorant in absence of the truth.

Politics is a cop out. Democracy is a lie because the facts presented to the public though State , Media and corporate advertising are lies. “Ever get the feeling you’ve been cheated ?” (John Lydon Sex Pistols)

So Follow the twitter feeds, read wikileaks not CNN and FOX,. look for trending on social media NOT the nine o clock news and unplug.

“You take the blue pill, the story ends. You wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill, you stay in Wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes.”


Sneak preview into the ANIMAL RIGHTS CALENDAR

Flags dictate a national identity, as the British Union Jack is symbolic of Right wing thuggery , national socialism and funding of foreign wars so the people start to raise their own flags.

By taking a country on a path of intolerance and violence , you loose the ethical people to their own ideology.

web January

Wide scale Slavery and holocaust volume of violence abuse and slaughter is ingrained (brainwashed under the farm to table schools programme as normal”) and well and truly deemed as socially acceptable by the majority of British People.

Are you Seriously supporting this ?

Theresa May was filmed sampling sausages at smithfield meat market as part of her election campaign, did you vote for Brexit Bacon ?

web April

The Fur Trade, production banned in the UK by Public pressure, globalisation now makes Fur a massive import industry, has everyone forgotten why production was banned in this country ?

A life destroyed for a Fashion Statement ? Seriously ?

web March

That’s really not Entertainment ? THE CIRCUS  – The reality of forced captivity , confinement, torture abuse for what your entertainment ? Subjugation of another species for banality is something for the ethical to shout about.

web November

Free range ? One of the flock ? ,. believe you are free ? freedom is the price that is paid for the benefits YOU selfishly reap from civilized society. (as oppose to Veganism which is selflessly reaping form society). The Price of a life, 54 billion times over every single year. Their freedom ? they die without any, your freedom you consume as you are programmed and willfully ignorant about doing so. Your so called freedom to choose had a victim. A victim that had NO choice.

THEY the victim, YOU who pay the slaughterman’s blade, the murderer.

web December

The greatest of lies , the charitable sector. Are you wilfully ignorant about what Charity you support ? A little real research goes a long way to understanding what “Charity” is really about in the big corporate globalised world.–thousands-completely-healthy.html

web October

Don’t be a consumer, be a human being now. As individuals we each can raise our voice for the voiceless,.. where one raises his/they/her voice so others will do so too,.

many arguments about not speaking up are based around “I wont be able to make a difference: an Ocean is vast and powerful, unchallengeable, yet made up of millions and millions of tiny rain drops.

Be the rain , raise your voice . one becomes a hundred becomes a thousand become a million.

web June web Mayweb Julyweb September

DISCLAIMER: Links to information on sites other than those operated by FISHINABOX RECORDS are for your convenience only and are not an endorsement or recommendation of those sites. FISHINABOX RECORDS does not control or provide any content or information at these sites, makes no representation or warranty of any kind with respect to these sites or their content, and does not maintain, operate, or take responsibility for information provided. FISHINABOX RECORDS does not endorse and is not responsible for the accuracy or reliability of such content or information and any use thereof is solely at the user’s risk.