Talks at The Retreat – 6th Anniversary FRACKING FOUR , ANIMAL RIGHTS, RBE


Talks at The Retreat – 6th Anniversary FRACKING FOUR , ANIMAL RIGHTS, RBE

The 6th anniversary weekend at the retreat was packed with Open day activities including talks on this weeks headline news regarding the incarceration of the Fracking Four along with related material regarding Animal Rights, references to the late John Harris  and the Resource Based Economy.

The talk revolved around Simon Roscoe Blevins public address letter which we had been presenting in the tube earlier that week.

We are shocked and saddened at the 16 month jail sentences that the #FrackFreeFour have received.
This is wholly disproportionate to their truck protest actions in July 2017.

Our civil liberties are under threat. Your right to assemble is now by precedence now fundamentally unstable



Letter transcript form the talk Written by Simon Roscoe Blevins:

If you’re reading this then I’m in prison – for sitting on top of a truck.

Let me explain.

The truck was carrying part of a drill rig heading for a fracking site in a part of Lancashire where this industry is being fiercely contested.
Locals living in the vicinity of the Preston New Road drilling site – licensed to fracking company Cuadrilla – were backed by councillors who voted by an overwhelming majority in 2015 to stop fracking in the area.
Then the Tory Government overturned this decision and granted Cuadrilla the right to drill under peoples’ homes. Or to put it another way, they forced fracking on a local area despite it being rejected and in doing so helped pave a path towards catastrophic climate change.
As a soil scientist I know that fracking poses a great threat to the ground beneath our feet through leaks and contamination.
Soil takes thousands of years to form, but its health can be lost in an instant. We depend on healthy earth for our food and water – it is the bedrock, literally of our existence. That’s why I decided to join this protest. Hundreds of people have protested against Cuadrilla for the last seven years and 350 have been arrested since drilling started in January 2017.
These arrests have been for conducting slow walks in front of trucks, blockades, die-ins, site squats, you name it.
Blackpool really has been at the frontline of the climate change resistance – and myself and two others are now the first protectors to be locked up for playing a part in this crucial fight.



Here’s how and why it happened.
During a routine blockade of the drilling site, I climbed on top of a delivery lorry, stopping it in its tracks.
Three others also did the same, and together, we spent an unprecedented combined total of four days on four lorries. We slept through cold nights and thunderstorms, but local people passed us water, food and sleeping bags, encouraging us to stay.
Looking out into the sun rise dawning fields of the Fylde, watching cows grazing in the morning haze, campfire smoke wavering, as women elders – the anti-fracking nanas – boiled water for tea and another day of obstruction, I knew why I was there. I knew that my two year old niece and every young person at the mercy of our decisions as adults today, deserves safety and food and water security, and we have a duty to defend that.
The weather this year, with the arid summer and rampant droughts, has been a wake up call for so many people, who are finally realising that climate change is real. Fracking in the UK for oil and gas will accelerate that danger. Most people in this country don’t want it and it has already been banned in Scotland, Ireland and Wales.
We should be very clear – fracking isn’t just in breach of the climate science, it’s ripping through our democracy too. My sentencing forms part of a broader clamp down on the right to protest in the UK. The stakes are higher than ever, but all of us inside and outside the criminal justice system will be impacted by climate change.
And all of us have a role to play in creating a better, more just future. I will continue to work for that. The most difficult thing for me to accept right now, is that my sister is due to give birth soon and has asked me to be her birth partner. Given my imprisonment – which will last for at least eight months – I won’t be able to be there to support her, or to see and support my niece or nephew come into this world.
During my trial I was not allowed to speak about my motivations for protesting. Let me tell you here now that my peaceful act of collective self-defence, criminalised as it has been, is for my family, and for a safer, healthier future for everyone threatened by fracking related climate change. So I have one ask of you, which will give me hope as I sit in jail.
If you share my concerns and intentions, then please find your local anti-fracking group and continue this fight.
See you on the outside.
Simon Roscoe Blevins in a soil scientist from Sheffield. He and three other men are the first people in the UK to be sentenced to jail for protesting fracking

During the talks a number of quotes and statements (shown below) from the classroom ethics wall were referenced.

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During the tube talks earlier that week, the below issues were raised in context of the fracking four events and the impact of the court’s decision that week.

The Tube action was coined with the term Apathy in the UK due to the lack of concern of the impact of the sentence (and also of fracking on the environment) in the general London work pedestrian traffic

If the Sex Pistols were to record a new Album they could call it  – APATHY IN THE UK !!!
(fraking four) on the tube activism was a hard sell !

What was covered:

Issues of buying land and having it drilled under with out consent possible collapse or contamination
Issues of having armed police on the door and not having the right to protest then not being able to ask for help from the man in the next seat because neither of you have the right to protest
Issues of the police officer serving the state rather than a policeman serving the public trust
Issues of no but back on the grid for renewable energy but can but back from oil and gas
Issues of hard sentencing for the frack four for truck sitting
activists comment – Engagement on the friday evening with one woman, the rest were zombies with no response to prodding……. At least they listened to the reading but no one gave a flying fuck about the impact of fracking on their lives homes futures


Further links:

The Growing Anti-Fracking Movement

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Fracking image licence  — Public Domain – cyberged 

NO MONEY NO HONEY – The “Supersize me” Bee project in every store near YOU

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NO MONEY NO HONEY – The “Supersize me” Bee project in every store near YOU

“As a child there were wild hives in the forest, they were started mostly with drilled long bore holes in cut off blocks tied nailed to the trees, sometimes a hollowed branches bundle with indents around  half a foot long for the bees to lay larvae on,….. the wild hives the forest..those things, those days are gone…”


“After a while you would notice the start of hives around the boxes and bundles, over a year or two they would swell to full active vibrant communities, The honey overs used to drip from the bottoms, down the tree trunks
Kids would run their fingers up the trunks, wildlife would feed on the overs on the ground and low trunks, the fruit trees around the hives would start fruiting, there would be an abundance of wild flowers, colourful heads and long breezy stems. Later i realised that conservationists had seeded these. The bees would pollinate and be undisturbed, this was there gift, pollination……Nothing else was taken, ever..”

Since my last trip back to canada i can say i have never seen free forest undisturbed hives anywhere in the eu or us. All i see is the commercial operation and its the same everywhere. The absolute enslavement of an entire race !

Mainstream Media has rolled out a string of “investigations” into whats killing the bees, ROTTEN on netflix reported 37 million bee deaths a year in the continental USA . If that happened to cows or people there would be outcry.

The truth of honey and the death of the bees revolve around two essential areas

The Honey theft –  Does an Olympian train on McDonalds ? Does a RaceHorse run on Bacon and Eggs ? we all know that diet is 80% of  peak performance, every Bee in it’s natural habitat is an Olympian, thee are no couch potato bees or shift workers skipping off on tea breaks and shirking, they are Spartans they are tireless and their diet has been perfected of a millenia to deliver.

The pesticides and pollution – Healthy body / Healthy Mind ? the synthetic sugar addled unfit struggling worker bee just can’t operate efficiently or in increasing numbers even find the way home in a fog of pesticides and pollution. the biggest consumer crop of pesticides is grain and protein crop for animal feeds,. to cut to the chase , if you are eating meat as well as Honey, you are double daming the Bees with your eating preferences.

The situation we have since 1972 (the start of the destruction of the Honey Bee with the global roll out of Glucose Fructose Corn Syrup) is likable to a  a big brother type sitcom (the hive) where our fitness guru’s are watched and followed going shopping each day with their hard earned cash and opening their fridge in the morning and finding it all stolen ,empty or stacked full of junk food , look around , some furniture is out of place, one or two house members are concussed (smoked, neuro nano toxins) not sure if they will pull through, a window us smashed (removal damage)

What is nasty, insidious and speciest is the act of theft of honey. Honey has been stolen for over 4000 year by humans, obsessed with consuming its purported health busting properties. Yet in the last 300 years, the hive industry has become the norm and taking the overs has become wide scale removing of 2/3 of the honey hive to fund profit.

The survival of one one the oldest most fascinating species on earth starts to diminish as their health is affected by a sustained replacement diet of synthetic sugar water as Honey is stolen for Human consumption.


“We steal its daylight robbery for sure, does it hurt them, not immediately but by the time winters through you see them dead in the thousands. But that’s the business we are in”  



bees pollinate crops for everyone but taking their honey and replacing it with synthetic sugar syrups weakens the immune system and they get wiped out by pesticides.

The bees also don’t wax off the honeycombs if sugar syrups because they don’t like it, the honey is their balanced nutritional diet they work hard to make it, humans steal it with a wide range of lies about profits and bee rent and replace it with junk food. Ever see “SUPERSIZEME” how sick the guy gets ?

As for the so called eco bee hives, they also take the wax for beeswax and use it in lip balms. Open a factory hive and you find 1/3 of commercial hives have sick bees. Honey is only one side of the problem, poor health also means a poor immune system and that is the deal closer for the Honey Bee in our modern pesticide filled world.

without a strong die and the additional work of have to replace stolen supplies the ever enslaved and overworked Bee also has to fight off toxins pollution and pesticides. It is blatantly obvious and common knowledge that a healthy body can resist infection fatigue and disease better than an unhealthy one. Humanity though the Honey Theft has already damaged the Bees health, next humans lay the gauntlet of poisoned air for the bee to struggle through.

So called eco bee keeping companies report to “save the bees” by planting an additional 5,000 flowers a hive and advertising this is ethical, let’s do the maths though, 5000 flowers well that’s enough pollen for 100 bees who each produce 1/6 of a teaspoon.. how much honey do you spread on your bread ? how many lifetimes work stolen ?.

The reality is that 50’000 flowers should be planted per hive minimum.  Even when the flowers are planted, the Honey those bees make is eco or commercial, stolen.

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In short the ECO trend sold under so called Health outfits like Holland and Barrett (such as the Manuka Honey gold mine)  say they are ethical for the bees, but we already know from the numbers and the theft of the end product that it doesn’t ring true, no amount of Media Marketing can normalise theft and slavery in the Honey trade.

Open debate between Bee Keepers and Honey producers and the Vegan community become heated , Bee Keepers wave off criticism stating people are not educated enough to know whats really going on. This post clarifies the “education” and exposes the lies.  The truth is that they are profiteering off bees and the bees will suffer and die as a result of Human intervention, not be saved by it.

There’s lots of ways to save bees, wild hives and the planting of bee food flowers are the good steps, the elephant in the room and the frankly obvious is to stop consuming their honey.

Vegan activists have turned round hives that are dying from sugar syrup replacement by actually buying jars if honey and literally putting it back into hives.

Those who set up wild hives on their land and allow the natural development of Honey Bees unmolested will see their flowers and fruits do better year in year.

Is there any instance where consuming Honey can be seen as Ethical ?

It will never be Vegan as its an animal Product, Ethical possibly only in one instance  – The only collection of honey that could ever be called ethical is on over spill where the honey drips out of a wild hive to the ground, though what people take from this means less for wildlife and this again needs to be put into perspective, globalised society offers Humans more access to sugar replacements and alternatives that any other species. A human an simply go to aisle 22 instead of aisle 23 and buy ” agave nectar” instead of Honey at the same bottle price. A racoon looking for something sweet on the forest floor cannot…

Where do I get a HONEY alternative that rocks ? :

The standard theft rate from a commercial hive when all the rows are full, bee producers say a minimum of 3 rows a hive to last winter  should keep the hive alive yet i this was the case then we would not see death totals in the 40 millions every year and widespread colony collapse.

The minimum for a commercial hive is 5 rows. The honey producers take 60 percent , they leave 3 rows and replace the stolen rows of Honey with synthetic sugars. As previously put – Its theft , dailybreakin’s, ransacking and theft.


No Vegan will support the use of Honey, will not consume it or stock it. We have not seen one ethical Honey operation globally ever. Wild hives we see, but only where people are land conservationists or have “forgotten 2 about them, we would like to encourage people to set up wild hives. I foyu want to get started on wild hive program in box us and we will send you a how to guide to getting started,

If you really want honey for nothing and have inherited an active former commercial  hive  then do it ONLY with an overspill tray under the hive.

Don’t take the rows, it stresses then and makes them work harder

Don’t smoke them it stresses then and damages them (honey producers say it doesn’t so try it on yourself and see how that goes)

Don’t replace their highly nutritious immune system boosting diet for junk food just because “you can”

Don’t be a thief. Bees own us nothing. Mother Nature doesn’t charge “Bee Rent” The bees are sacred and those who argue for “Bee Rent” support the honey industry, support the defilement of mother natures divine for your own profit and oral masturbation

pollination of our crops is being effected by the honey stealing and promoting community And when that species dies we all die.

No Vegan ever makes “Money” from getting you to stop eating Honey, Every Honey producer makes money from you when YOU ignore the truth , YOUR responsibility for our collective future and believe the marketing speech.

Its a heath thing ? You want to be healthy ?

Get on a Raw Vegan Diet and buy the book HOW NOT TO DIE , it’s really that simple.




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Bee images licence Creative Commons — CC0 1.0 Universal

Animal Rescue Workers talk at The Retreat Animal Sanctuary – Registered CHARITY 1105654

Animal Rescue Workers talk at The Retreat Animal Sanctuary – Registered CHARITY 1105654

Deep in the heart of the Kent Countryside, lies The Retreat Animal Sanctuary.

The Retreat is the last chance saloon for saving Animals that have been victims of abuse, neglect, Privation, Malnourishment and all manner of mistreatment in and around the ferociously intensive and without exception, unethical animal agriculture for profit industry.

As well as Animal Rescue work, the site is a hub of social engagement, on open days giving people the change to connect and spend time with the rescue animals as well as running a number of events in the classroom touching all aspects of Animal Well being, Veganism and even subjects such as the Resource Based Economy.

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This is a sanctuary that brings compassion and understanding of the dilemmas of a world profiteering off Animal Agriculture and the truth of the real costs on the lives subjected to it to the people on a directly 1 2 1 personal level though direct interaction with the thankfully rescued former victims of the systematic abuse of the animal agriculture industry.

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The Retreat is driven by site owner Billy Thompson and Neil Davies along with  a fiercely committed team of Vegan volunteers. The site is now a forever home for over 1250 animals and running costs are at 10,000 pounds a month.

The site is open to all though does have a strict Vegan policy that any food or clothing that is form animal product is widely discouraged. The Site boasts an excellent Café with an exceptionally wide menu and great price points. Also on site is a Charity Shop and Cow’s Cottage Holiday Home.

The Retreat, as a forever home, holds the ethical Higher ground. It is Fully staffed and run as a Vegan Sanctuary

– no kill shelters for unwanted animals when they are not rehomed,

– no horse riding (main cause of spinal damage in horses) or work housing livestock as is seen in some “working rescues”

– no breeding , lambing or culling, (as we found in another NON-Vegan Rescue in the isle of wight where they were charging for petting of goats and stocking goat meat for sale in the freezers, though when challenged to disclose to the “pay to pet” parents and children where last years animals were sadly in the shop freezer, became highly aggressive.)

Funding for the site is critical and there are a number of adoption and subscription programs that people can contribute to to help further the Charities work.

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This Rescue is one that is in genuine need of support, it represents excellent ethical policy and is a hive of knowledge in Animal Husbandry and rescue.

Support them.

Get socially engaged with the work and embrace a Vegan ethic and lifestyle.



WINTER IS HERE at the RETREAT – Feed them all – Fundraising NOW !

In addition to direct donations for feed, the Retreat also look for assistance with buildings and maintenance , blankets and covers and equipment for the café.


DISCLAIMER: Links to information on sites other than those operated by FISHINABOX RECORDS are for your convenience only and are not an endorsement or recommendation of those sites. FISHINABOX RECORDS does not control or provide any content or information at these sites, makes no representation or warranty of any kind with respect to these sites or their content, and does not maintain, operate, or take responsibility for information provided. FISHINABOX RECORDS does not endorse and is not responsible for the accuracy or reliability of such content or information and any use thereof is solely at the user’s risk.

Photography courtesy of:  Andie Handei Kumafaro,

LONDON LIFE – From Pollution to Solution – ACT NOW – Breathe Vegan Air


LONDON LIFE – From Pollution to Solution – ACT NOW – Breathe Vegan Air

From “Chem trails”, to “Vaxed” , “Mogellons”, airborne pesticides and the flu jab right down to Traffic Pollutions bad boy the “Diesel Demon”, our immune systems are under attack, to impact our health, drive shop stock pharmaceutical sales up and enslave us to the healthcare megalomaniacs that own these invisible killers.

(Do you get the flu jab? / Are you or your Children Autistic ? / Are you Asthmatic ? Do you get rheumatism or Arthritis ?)

(Morgellons  are listed as  a collective Reality Asylum where  you are breathing Ethylene Dibromide, nano-particles of aluminium, barium, stronium and cationic polymer fibers with unidentified bio-active material. Long term chronic exposure to such toxins destroy the bodies immune system, leaving you vulnerable to serious infections, chronic health problems linked to auto immune dysfunction and hybrid cancers)

With nine thousand deaths a year in London on the official stats logs linked to pollution issues in the capital; is our health, our daily health, the casualty of a corporate/political war for a staged attempt to control our health and life lines and boost drugs sales under the guise of transportation pressures ? The Question keeps raising it’s head.

Globalization pushes people into the cities forcing population to soar in restricted areas and resources to be mismanaged and strained; whilst in the zones, outside the cities, land lies fallow and under resourced. Corporate pharmaceuticals appear to push their sales agenda through unscrupulous means and misinformation, cancers that never seem to have cures yet the research companies funding finds itself in off shore banking whilst peddling animal testing as the  way forward (British “Heartless” Foundation has been referred in investigations on line), with only 1% of results from animal trials ever having any relevance to research.

pollution to solution

The population of the western world is plugged in to the “I buy , therefore I am” automon cult. willfully ignorant and seemingly no longer equipped to even question the operation of the world around them. in the last election the majority of the british people voted for arms trade with the middle east, war against families mothers and children, anti terror laws despite losing human rights, brexit suicide, class war divisions, racism and escalating animal abuse.

The policies were blatantly clear in manifesto, yet the people voted for them. Is this really a nation of animal  abusers racist imperialist warmongers or is it more so that the voting public are automatons, unable to make their own judgement ? Opposition policies equally bland,  build on the marxist lie, left or right wing the political scene is all part of one party – the self wing. The people voted it in.

And yet,.even when we are being gassed , injected or fed chronic poisons licensed by the so called democracy that the peoples majority chose, this nation of self oppressed and oppressing idiots tugs the forelock and just carries on.



The Anti pollution mask is now being marketed and branded as a fashion item, A Vogmask or a Cambridge Company General are a wise addition in the unseen toxic tides that rage around us.

There is a distinct and absolute necessity in masking up if you want to reduce risks of  lung and throat cancer, but seriously, is this how you want to live ? The soot on our streets is driven into the heart of the city by rampant capitalism known under the banner and catch phrase of “globalisation” and it will kill you and I.

In the US studies by Dr. Michael Greger and Gene Stone showed that 100% of deaths in old age pensioners were caused by disease, not old age. death by old age does not exist. we are killed by disease, whilst the World Heath Organisation wastes funding on destroying and torturing animals instead of releasing the cures for serious diseases and restricting the manufacture of new strains of disease. It took 3 years to split the atom and yet cancer research are still peddling the “old story” that after 50 years they can’t cure cancer ?

There are endless issues in the pollution of our lives , the earth around us, the air, the animals, to even touch on in this post, though by researching into the above , phrase by phrase,  you will open your eyes to the lies we live under.

There is a way forward though,  a view past the punitive limitations of the banal society that our lives are irresponsibly gifted to by our parents and peers. the way forward is the Venus Project.

Choose a path in life that works with other people for the greater good of all society. A movement that works against pyramid power structures, money, war, greed and oppression. A World that uses resources instead of deliberately wasting them to create demand and keep prices high. A world where there is no war because there is nothing to fight over. Breathe Vegan Air. I use the term Vegan for what it represents in purity and health, both physical as well as spiritual and mental health.

There is a way to evolve and cast off the outdated oppression of so called gods and masters for the greater good.


001. _clean 1 003. _clean 3 - the last laugh 004. _clean 4 - chlorophyll 005. _clean 5 - hybrid

Media and Artwork – With Thanks to: Andie Handei Kumafaro, Philip McCulloch-Downs (

It is time to embrace a deeply satisfying realisable and spiritual concept that goes against a lifetime of brainwashing, a lifetime of school, army, church, of war and the inevitable oxymorons like war heros (killing does not make us heros), Friendly fire (shooting people is never friendly, fresh frozen (frozen is never fresh) and Happy Meals (enslaving torturing and murdering other creatures can never be happy) , Faith Divides Us and Death Unites Us are all traits of the satanic rather than the divine.

Cast off the blind fold, see the mirror then see the world around for what it truly is. It is time to atone for our earthly crimes of ignorance and avarice by making genuine meaningful change rather than playing lip service through rasping lies. To actually rise up and sing with your heart rather than just move your mouth to the words.

Embrace a Resource Based Existence (RBE). Corporate puppets “the governments” have spent 40 years trying to burying the RBE program. yet they never realised that we are all seeds.


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Animal Rights Photography 2018 CALENDAR – ORDER NOW – London Underground REAL NEWS

Animal Rights Photography 2018 CALENDAR – ORDER NOW – London Underground REAL NEWS

In a reality asylum of the buy now pay later world of emotionally disconnected automated unrepentant pre-programmed national consumerism; photographs can be one of the most ground breaking and eye opening truth spreakers.

As the last of the old breed of Investigative journalists such as John Pilger now start to give way to the rise of the social media phenomenon in recording stark events; most of the western world (67%) now sources its news reporting form non commercial feeds. “Anony-News” gives the public access to real time events, underplayed or simply overwritten by the fake news and alternative facts commercial bandwagon. For the truth seeker the importance of following underground reporting cannot be understated.

We need to support the work of underground photographers, to give it place and space in our feeds , social media, on our bumper stickers, patches on jackets, graffiti on walls, banners and slogans on t-shirts. art in our living rooms..

ANIMAL RIGHTS PHOTOGRAPHY are out on the streets day and night documenting , investigating, exposing for a better world , to turn the tide against ignorance and abuse. Please Support their work here:



The Commercial media machines will continue to lie, deceive and manipulate advertising and news en mass to keep a nation of self oppressed and oppressing people uneducated, blank and idiotically simplistic in their understanding of the world we live in. They do not though own the internet and no longer do they own “the truth”. The real truth , the whole truth and nothing but the truth. It is out there, if YOU are capable of one very simple birth given skill ….

Free Thinking

The Animal rights Calendar 2018 focuses each month on Specific Anony-News events. Underground activism drives the issues that matter on the internet and this collection showcases some of the greatest and the most striking event images of this year in the hope that you, will unplug and engage.

The Calendar collection focuses specifically on the most vulnerable and at risk members of our society, the voiceless.

The current target of Theresa May’s sell out and sink Britain class war Government (Tories believe its ok to kill animals because apparantly they say they don’t have any feelings – why ? because to agree they actually do, as Europe does { british “blackshirts” couple never agree with Europe} will damage the profit line on the “sausage coin”)

The voiceless: the enslaved, the beaten, confined and that in endless haunting screams, murdered for nothing more trite and banal than a marketing driven corporate scam and profit machine under the misdemeanor of “choice”.

When Corbyn bangs on about “for the many” he is still “one”, you are the many and the animal even more so in their millions. It is not for “leadership contenders to assume they are well placed to lead but actually for the masses that puts the responsibility on each and every one of you to be active. Politics – Left Wing / Right Wing it is ALL Self Wing – a Game of Thrones and the so called Peoples Parliament sold to the highest “marketeer” for Profit.

The only Self wing party you should subscribe to is your own, choose your words based on truth , don’t be spoon fed the lies.

Stop being a consumer , be a Human Being NOW. That requires Humanity, yet the voiceless are subject to daily in-humane treatment for one reason and one true reason only, because the masses, yes that’s YOU, are willfully ignorant about the truth or simply ignorant in absence of the truth.

Politics is a cop out. Democracy is a lie because the facts presented to the public though State , Media and corporate advertising are lies. “Ever get the feeling you’ve been cheated ?” (John Lydon Sex Pistols)

So Follow the twitter feeds, read wikileaks not CNN and FOX,. look for trending on social media NOT the nine o clock news and unplug.

“You take the blue pill, the story ends. You wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill, you stay in Wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes.”


Sneak preview into the ANIMAL RIGHTS CALENDAR

Flags dictate a national identity, as the British Union Jack is symbolic of Right wing thuggery , national socialism and funding of foreign wars so the people start to raise their own flags.

By taking a country on a path of intolerance and violence , you loose the ethical people to their own ideology.

web January

Wide scale Slavery and holocaust volume of violence abuse and slaughter is ingrained (brainwashed under the farm to table schools programme as normal”) and well and truly deemed as socially acceptable by the majority of British People.

Are you Seriously supporting this ?

Theresa May was filmed sampling sausages at smithfield meat market as part of her election campaign, did you vote for Brexit Bacon ?

web April

The Fur Trade, production banned in the UK by Public pressure, globalisation now makes Fur a massive import industry, has everyone forgotten why production was banned in this country ?

A life destroyed for a Fashion Statement ? Seriously ?

web March

That’s really not Entertainment ? THE CIRCUS  – The reality of forced captivity , confinement, torture abuse for what your entertainment ? Subjugation of another species for banality is something for the ethical to shout about.

web November

Free range ? One of the flock ? ,. believe you are free ? freedom is the price that is paid for the benefits YOU selfishly reap from civilized society. (as oppose to Veganism which is selflessly reaping form society). The Price of a life, 54 billion times over every single year. Their freedom ? they die without any, your freedom you consume as you are programmed and willfully ignorant about doing so. Your so called freedom to choose had a victim. A victim that had NO choice.

THEY the victim, YOU who pay the slaughterman’s blade, the murderer.

web December

The greatest of lies , the charitable sector. Are you wilfully ignorant about what Charity you support ? A little real research goes a long way to understanding what “Charity” is really about in the big corporate globalised world.–thousands-completely-healthy.html

web October

Don’t be a consumer, be a human being now. As individuals we each can raise our voice for the voiceless,.. where one raises his/they/her voice so others will do so too,.

many arguments about not speaking up are based around “I wont be able to make a difference: an Ocean is vast and powerful, unchallengeable, yet made up of millions and millions of tiny rain drops.

Be the rain , raise your voice . one becomes a hundred becomes a thousand become a million.

web June web Mayweb Julyweb September

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WINTER IS HERE at the RETREAT – Feed them all – Fundraising NOW !


WINTER IS HERE at the RETREAT – Feed them all – Fundraising NOW ! Reg Charity 1105654

In looking to be part of building a more enlightened world where humans remember their dignity and show compassion and love to all others, regardless of sex, race, age, gender, disability or species; the Retreat finds the continued exploitation, abuse, bullying, violence against and murder of animals in today’s society totally degrading and unacceptable and work tirelessly to help the voiceless make it past the last chance.

There are over 1250 animals at the retreat, the founders and volunteers rescue these animals from abuse, neglect and privation and provide them with a forever home. A fully Vegan sanctuary, this is the last stop in their life line for without rescue centres, there is no tomorrow for these animals.

Winter is on them and at 700 pounds a week to cover feed let alone general supplies, the Retreat needs to widen its net of support. With that in mind FISHINABOX have joined the fight to “FEED THEM ALL”. We need you to do the same.

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Some people wonder why we help animals in need, personally I wonder why THEY wonder. There is nothing so rewarding, healing and meaningful as to mend a broken life, to restore happiness where fear have leached in to the bones of a sentient being due to heinous acts of cruelty, all in all this as much to do with Human Wrongs as it is to do with Animal Rights.

Be part of the change. Support the rescue and provide us with what we need to ensure a healthy, happy and long life.


The Pigs Halloween Party:

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The Retreat had recently been fundrasing for Pig Sheds though funding was in short supply, we need to secure financing for the target shortfall as winter is on us :

Majestic Equidae:

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Equidae Friends:

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Bovine Beauty (& Shaun the Sheep):

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Galloanserae, and Galliformes, not just a poultry issue:

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In addition to direct donations for feed, the Retreat also look for assistance with buildings and maintenance , blankets and covers and equipment for the café.

There is also an Amazon wish list is available for direct purchases for the rescue centre:

Photography courtesy of:  Samuel Mounir Hardeman, Andie Handei Kumafaro, Joanna Hardeman

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Mary had a Little Lamb – 1816 racism 2016 speciesism – JUST SAY NO !!!!

Mary had a Little Lamb – 1816 racism 2016 speciesism – JUST SAY NO !

Violated rights – If you accept that animals have rights, raising and killing animals for food is morally wrong. An animal raised for food is being used by others rather than being respected for itself. In philosopher’s terms it is being treated as a means to human ends and not as an end in itself. This is a clear violation of the animal’s rights.

Mary had a little lamb, and she really didnt know,

that her cute and cuddly suckling friend was actually a dairy cow,

This made things difficult for farmer giles cuz the calf would have to go,

At 20 pints of milk a day, it would drink his profits low

To get the little lamb to slaughter was a tricky problem posed ,

as the loved and little lamb would go where mary goes

It followed her to school one day,

But was turned out by the door,

No animals at school they said the lamb was allowed no more,

It waited patiently in the yard , its fleece as white as snow,

Till farmer giles grabbed it there and quickly slit its throat,

Yea mary had a little lamb , oh yea oh yea,

Yes Mary had a little lamb until you slit its throat,

the studies hit the tabloid press in 2015 under headlines like”‘Cheese is from plants’ – “Shocking food survey reveals a fifth of UK children don’t know bacon comes from pigs..” and that more than a third of the youngsters surveyed have never heard actual real life cow or sheep noises points clearly to a worrying ignorance about where their meals come from”..

so that’s what this song is all about, yeah we coined the old rhyme “Mary had a little lamb ” and then banged on about dairy cows in the next breath as if one was the other, because people are so willfully ignorant that they simply do not get that meat and dairy are coming from living loving sentient beings,

that people are desensitised and so far so very very far removed from these animals to not even know what animal is slaughtered for, or is used to produce what product..

Stupidity is the fastest spreading disease on the planet and we have to work against it and limit it, expose the facts and help people remake the connections that the food industry marketing machine have wiped from the slate.

Look up the polls,. check it on line see how far gone society is,.how the normalisation of Ethical abuse is justified based on specicism.

a calf can be a lamb can be a puppy can by a boy can be a slave where profit is involved , the law that allows this speciest profiteering to exist and it is fundamentally wrong,

just as the white europeans classed black people as a different species under slavery and used this as the justification to subject them to a life of oppression and privation, , so it is happening with domesticated animals the world over.

For the last , and only the last 126 years, whether its peoples so called choice to eat steaks, or ice cream sodas, dog meat (now available and becoming common place in switzerland) or testing tobacco products on beagle puppies, or trapping and murdering majestic wolves for their hides to be crassly regurgitated as hood trims for some over priced canadian elitist brand machine, or whether it is burning out rabbits eyes for this years soap scent or opening monkeys heads for a look see because there brains are so much like ours and apparently warrant study , Its speciesism


What is speciesism?

noun – the assumption of human superiority leading to the exploitation of animals. / a prejudice or bias in favour of the interests of members of one’s own species and against those of members of other species. (Peter Singer, Animal Liberation, 1975)

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©℗ 2016 FISHINABOX (All rights reserved) Credits :Floidbeats / DJ Skyaaz

LOBSTER LIBERATION – Take Action at a fish shop near you – LIVE EXPORT CRIMES


LOBSTER LIBERATION – Take Action at a fish shop near you – LIVE EXPORT CRIMES


That moment, when you walk into a Chip shop, Fish restaurant, or counter because something doesn’t look right from the window and a live export crime is being committed on the sea or store front.

Lobsters, mostly imported from Canada and the US find themselves in shop fronts in the UK. After rough transport, claw clamped and starved , they are set, hungry, on ice that burns and forces there muscles to stiffen horribly. There are kept among the rotting decaying gutted corpses of shrimps and fish. Their gills are kept wet so that they remain alive.

You know what has to be done,. they need out and back to the Sea. Obviously this specific rescue photographed is fully within the realms of the Law in order for it to be featured on the site, though there are many ways to get Lobsters out of a fish shop and it’s not for us to tell you how to get the”fish in a box”, but one thing is very important, however you get them out, you do need a wet box to transport them.

A Simple heavy duty cardboard box, plastic lined (bottom only) with a closing lid (not plastic must breathe) and full of thickened (wet or means of wetting it) paper (not tissue paper) to cover the lobsters in during transport back to the sea, you also need water and sea salt (one tea spoon of sea salt a pint) for wetting, tap water without sea salt will damage them.

Quite often a fish shop, on “losing” a lobster will just buy in another and the question begs, whats the point if they will just restock ? Can you do it every day ? probably not, but the day or days that you do, those lobsters live, they are individuals, they are sentient beings in their own rights and each one freed is one less tortured and destroyed.

When a lobster is cooked, it cannot “pass out”, it lives boiling in it’s own skin until the final a moment before death, boiled alive. I have heard people say “it’s OK when they “scream” as it’s just air escaping from their bodies”,. put yourself in their place (empathy, the first rule of veganism, the second is compassion and the third is action) put yourself in your minds eye, in boiling water, and imagine the same thing, the excruciating pain, the screaming…suddenly the importance of liberation becomes clear.

Why take action over Lobsters ?

The transport, treatment of Live Lobster under export along with the method of killing is extremely cruel.

The liberation of Lobsters is relatively simple compared to other abused animals as its on the shop front.

Several methods are used for killing lobsters. The most common way of killing lobsters is by placing them live in boiling water, sometimes after having been placed in a freezer for a period of time which burns then and immobilises them.

Another method is to split the lobster or sever the body in half lengthwise. Lobsters may also be killed or rendered insensate immediately before boiling by a stab into the brain (pithing), in the belief that this will stop suffering. However, a lobster’s brain operates from not one but several ganglia and disabling only the frontal ganglion does not usually result in death therefore suffering continues to the end.

The boiling method is illegal in some places, such as in Reggio Emilia, Italy, where offenders can be fined €495.

The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) summarized that the killing methods most likely to cause pain and distress as below:

Any procedures whereby the abdomen is separated from the thorax
The removal of tissue, flesh, or limbs while the crustacean is alive and fully conscious
Placing crustaceans in slowly heated water to the boiling point
Placing crustaceans directly into boiling water
Placing marine crustaceans in fresh water
Unfocused microwaving of the body as opposed to focal application to the head
A device called the CrustaStun has been invented to electrocute shellfish such as lobsters, crabs, and crayfish  before cooking. The device works by applying a 110-volt, 2 to 5 amp electrical charge to the animal. The CrustaStun renders the shellfish unconscious in 0.3 seconds and kills the animal in 5 to 10 seconds, compared to 3 minutes to kill a lobster by boiling. But of course ass we all know , killing any healthy sentient being is never humane and is always, without question wrong.

This post is basically a simple step guide on how to successfully, and as stress freely, return a lobster to the sea. You cannot return them to their point of origin most likely, but they do travel and travel far and will home once back in the ocean.


Leave some “breathing” room in, around, and through the wet box, To keep lobsters alive before and after transport. Do not heat up or cool down too quickly; Keep cool and moist, Never use tap water, mixing sea salt with tap water (half a tea spoon a pint most accurately duplicates sea water for the purpose of transport; and Never use a small container of seawater, you will wake them up during the journey and its extremely messy, only ever wet the paper with sea salted water.

Thinking of feeding them first ? The recommendation is not too as they vomit in transit but if you do, they eat small crabs, mussels, clams, starfish, sea urchins and various marine worms. They also catch fast moving animals like shrimp, amphipods (also known as “sand fleas”) and even small fish. My recommendation is just get them to the sea and let them find food after being returned to the water.

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Don’t rush them back into the water, you MUST acclimatise them before release. Bear in mind lobsters are starved 2-3 days before shipping and not fed after. They are hungry and tired. The ice they are put on in store fronts, burns them and can cause their limbs to drop off, (the limbs can grow back with the next molt), they need time to adjust and get their legs working and take on the temperature of the water. Let them sit on the surf in the sand and wet them as they adjust until they become animated.

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LOBSTERS: further reading and information on the trade

Lobsters and Crabs Used for Food





What does the Law say about returning a live lobster to the sea :

Rightly or Wrongly , there are of course laws the operate around live exports, ownership rights, and live animals as “property” in the UK. If you remove a live lobster from a business, office or place or resale without permission from the owner you are committing theft and may be subject to prosecution. If the owner gives up the Lobster under threat of “direct action” to protect himself or property, you are then again at risk of prosecution, do approach any Lobster liberation with a clear level head and ensure you have the required equipment detailed above for safe transportation back to the sea.

If the owner of the “property” i.e. the Lobster, gives up the Lobsters freely to you (discuss, negotiate, guilt trip, etc and yes they can be persuaded) or is remunerated in some way (pay for a life) then you are effectively the “owner of the Lobster” and within your “rights” to return them to the Sea as long as the Lobster is alive at the time of the return. Alive? Yes indeed,. Sounds bizarre but there is case, all be it very slim, for a council to prosecute a “return” under littering and pollution but only if the animal is deceased and dumped in the water,. they also have to be able to present the “deceased” as evidence against you which is extremely difficult to secure.

Who is taking action ? LLF Actions (Lobster Liberation Front)

The Lobster Liberation Front (LLF) is an animal rights campaign which first appeared on the coasts of Dorset in 2004, later spreading to Wales, Scotland, and some European countries. Their methods include releasing lobsters from live storage and sabotaging lobster pots or fishing boats and businesses who partake in profiteering from this cruel trade.


If you see Live Lobsters in the store fronts, don’t just walk on by, prepare for transporting the Lobsters  then go back , challenge the sellers, agree to take them and get those Lobsters back into the Sea. Make a difference today, save a life. teach your children and friends and family, involve them, discuss the practice of this animal abuse with them, engage them and send back a clear message.

This is not an acceptable trade, animal abuse should never be normalised on the store front, leaving sentient beings to suffer and die while punters “umm” and “ahh” over what type of destruction that want to sate their oral obsession on. It is thoroughly ,morally base and wrong. In the same way that the meat and fish isles in supermarkets desensitise children and disconnect them from the abuse and destruction that puts meat and fish in the freezers as another cheap and completely unnecessary product for the brainwashed consumers head under the loose misdemeanor of so called “choice” .

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PALM OIL – How can a product that harms animals be called VEGAN ?

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PALM OIL – How can a product that harms animals be called VEGAN ?

The Question forms the answer, we would expect that no product whatever its origin, plant or animal derived that directly and deliberately causes harm to animals, drives hunting, fuels climate change, can ever be Vegan.

Where do you draw the line ? cash crops, biofuel diesel… Is the world stacked so highly against ethics to render all products at some level or another non vegan ? Does following a planet based diet and working for animal rights against exploitation constitute enough depth to be Vegan ? the debate rages..

Palm oil is everywhere, it’s in everything, corporations and large scaling Vegan food distribution and supply love it. New Converts to veganism appear to be dependent on it and defend it as a corner stone of there new found cruelty free epiphany even questioning vegan ethics and practices within the established community.

VEGANISM Modern root and definition

In November 1944, Donald Watson along with five other non-dairy vegetarians, including Elsie Shrigley, defined and drew up the founding basis for a modernised clear evolution of non-dairy vegetarianism and created the word Vegan to define practice and lifestyle. “Vegan” is built from the first three and last two letters of ‘vegetarian’. In the words of Donald Watson, it marked “the beginning and end of vegetarianism.”

Veganism was defined as “the principle of the emancipation of animals from exploitation by man, and to seek an end to the use of animals by man for food, commodities, work, hunting, vivisection, and by all other uses involving exploitation of animal life by man”.

The supporting Slogans for the expanding Vegan movement have since been further clarified by five rules of mindfulness and  practice. the five rules are:


01 – For Compassion (Empathy and care in lifestyle choices)

02 – Non-Violence (pacifism for all species “thou shall not kill”)

03 – For People (With best Health and social responsibility in resource management considered)

04 – For the Planet (Free of greed and with the impact of animal agriculture on climate change carefully weighed )

05 – For the Animals (At all times in the best interests of the animal kingdom)

Palm oil, oil from the fruit of a palm tree might sound very vegan but when you compare the industry against the founding definition of Veganism and the core rules of mindfulness, we cannot see how it can ever be.

A slew of Vegetarian meddling in Vegan ethics has lead to extensive confusion as to how “Vegan” Palm oil can or could be.

As the fashionability of being “Vegan” grows so too does dilution of the practicing values of the vegan movement.

Vegans , becoming more and more frustrated with this dilution “authorising” the consumption of products that challenge the principles of Veganism simply because commercial globalised food manufacturing lace it in all processed foods. This and the normalising of cruelty have coined the term “apologetic vegan”.

The term “Apologetic Vegan” though is probably also wrong. Someone who does not follow the definition of Veganism can be challenged as simply being not Vegan. There are no options for the Vegan, like Honey on Sunday or a bit of Horse riding wont do any harm. There are no, I can’t check the ingredients, it wont hurt once or twice, so I will have it anyway etc…These are the principles of a vegetarian NOT the Vegan.

Who’s Who  in the grey area between “Vegetarian” /”Vegan” ?

Palm oil and the consumption of it, though plant based cannot in any stretch of the imagination be Vegan as it conflicts directly with 4 of the 5 rules of mindfulness. Though Palm oil is as Vegan as a Monsanto sweet corn GM crop, it is plant based, though when taken in isolation back to the definition of Vegan, it does not make the grade.

As Vegans we must at all times look to the root definition of Veganism and check products in isolation against that definition and where any question lies in to the ethics of a product, seek an alternative or do without.

The point is that we do not live in a vegan world, and until we do we cannot be wholly vegan , what we must do though is to at all times strive to be as close to the pure root and meaning of veganism as is possible. Palm Oil is a clearly obvious non ethical product and the expectation is that all modern vegans would refuse to consume it.

Let’s look at Palm oil itself – Yes its plant based and it’s freely used in processed foods, makeup, household cleaners, toiletries, bio-diesel, but it carries a huge price that challenges the founding ethics of the modern vegan movement, concerns over deforestation, habitat destruction, loss of biodiversity, species extinction (Orangutans), and a slew of human rights violations in the devastation or deforestation clearings that Palm oil production leaves behind it on the ecological battlefield.

The impact of Palm oil production on its habitat has always been well known by the commercial producers, though it was not until Biruté Galdikas, one of the greatest scientists and primatologists of the 20th century, and founder of the Orangutan foundation international in 1986 voiced concerns over the impact of exploding Palm oil production that the issue started to gain Main press.

Biruté Mary Galdikas has spent more than 40 years living and studying the behaviour of orangutans inside the once pristine rainforest of Borneo, Indonesia.

The rainforests threatened by palm oil production are uniquely lush and diverse, housing over half of the world’s species of flora and fauna. In recent years, conflict palm oil harvesting has become the leading contributor to rainforest destruction.

Not only are wild orangutans displaced in the name of palm oil, but they are also killed as pests when they return to what’s left of their habitat. In addition to the environmental concerns, palm oil carries serious health implications.

According to the documentary Sumatra Burning, an estimated 60,000 locals suffer from breathing complications due to smog caused by deforestation. Palm oil laborers are compensated with next-to-nothing wages. Many native communities have tried to stand up to these exploitative corporations, only to be forced out of the discussion.

Unfortunately, it appears that many ethical vegan companies are not immune from corporate mal-governance. By using ingredients as destructive as palm oil, these businesses are essentially standing for profit above all else.

Palm oil companies do not have a good record of wthical conduct, offering financial remuneration of 100$ a head for the shooting of orangutans despite this being illegal under Malaysian  and Indonesian laws of governance with regard to Palm Oil. Sign the below petition to stop this practice:

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The Vegan Community often opens discussion on comparison between palm oil and commercial vegetable and grain crops, in the sense that the globalised scale production of any crop also falls in to the category of “vegetarian” not “vegan”and brings into question any farming that is not a small holding or organic. Certainly the impact of pesticides and harvesting GM anti insect crops are not vegan.

Whether or not globalised farming is or is not vegan does not change the non ethical status of Palm Oil in any way. To justify classing Palm Oil as vegan on the basis that other industries also require scrutiny and where to draw the line is an aside to the actual issue of Palm oil in itself vis-a-vis the Vegan ethic.

Where the Vegan encounters globalised farming he/she is faced with, in the pure vegan ethic, a potential need to set up and manage a small holding or work with local produce groups to exchange and barter for non pesticide cash crop farming, sounds harder than it actually is.

Please see the below links to find out whether there is any traction in barter and tradein the UK and whether you are actually able to barter and trade small holding produce within the (UK) law:

The extend in which Palm oil has been rolled in to product has been, to a large extent, concealed by using over 200 different names for Palm oil on ingredients to mask the extent of it’s usage and to trick consumers who concerned over its bad rep may overlook ingredients that have been “re-branded”.

Many food products have Palm Oil listed as ‘vegetable oil’ and in non food products, there is at last count over 200 alternate names for palm oil.

There is money in Palm oil, big money, enough to direct western governments to stop subsidizing local vegetable oils and to import foreign palm oils instead.

The Palm oil Conspiracy (greed, profiteering and driving unethical consumption of palm dervied products)

So to conclude, Palm oil cannot be Vegan, It is certainly Vegetarian, it is definitely Plant Based but it’s not Vegan when taken in isolation against the definition of Veganism as it does not satisfy or meet the definition or practicing code of Veganism.

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Close all Slaughterhouses – Digital Music Release – Live – Kate Shortt

Close all Slaughterhouses – Digital Music Release – Live – Kate Shortt

Every year in the world, 60 billion land animals and more than 1000 billion aquatic animals are killed without necessity, which means that 164 million land animals and more than 2,74 billion aquatic animals are killed every day.

Close all Slaughterhouses is a digital music track inspired by Public Speakers at the Close all Slaughterhouses London March in June 2016. The event was held Globally in many cities with thousands of participants as part of a series of awareness campaigns for meat abolition.

Speakers are supported by the emotive cellist, Kate Shortt


©℗ 2016 FISHINABOX (All rights reserved)