Mary had a Little Lamb – 1816 racism 2016 speciesism – JUST SAY NO !!!!

Mary had a Little Lamb – 1816 racism 2016 speciesism – JUST SAY NO !

Violated rights – If you accept that animals have rights, raising and killing animals for food is morally wrong. An animal raised for food is being used by others rather than being respected for itself. In philosopher’s terms it is being treated as a means to human ends and not as an end in itself. This is a clear violation of the animal’s rights.

Mary had a little lamb, and she really didnt know,

that her cute and cuddly suckling friend was actually a dairy cow,

This made things difficult for farmer giles cuz the calf would have to go,

At 20 pints of milk a day, it would drink his profits low

To get the little lamb to slaughter was a tricky problem posed ,

as the loved and little lamb would go where mary goes

It followed her to school one day,

But was turned out by the door,

No animals at school they said the lamb was allowed no more,

It waited patiently in the yard , its fleece as white as snow,

Till farmer giles grabbed it there and quickly slit its throat,

Yea mary had a little lamb , oh yea oh yea,

Yes Mary had a little lamb until you slit its throat,

the studies hit the tabloid press in 2015 under headlines like”‘Cheese is from plants’ – “Shocking food survey reveals a fifth of UK children don’t know bacon comes from pigs..” and that more than a third of the youngsters surveyed have never heard actual real life cow or sheep noises points clearly to a worrying ignorance about where their meals come from”..

so that’s what this song is all about, yeah we coined the old rhyme “Mary had a little lamb ” and then banged on about dairy cows in the next breath as if one was the other, because people are so willfully ignorant that they simply do not get that meat and dairy are coming from living loving sentient beings,

that people are desensitised and so far so very very far removed from these animals to not even know what animal is slaughtered for, or is used to produce what product..

Stupidity is the fastest spreading disease on the planet and we have to work against it and limit it, expose the facts and help people remake the connections that the food industry marketing machine have wiped from the slate.

Look up the polls,. check it on line see how far gone society is,.how the normalisation of Ethical abuse is justified based on specicism.

a calf can be a lamb can be a puppy can by a boy can be a slave where profit is involved , the law that allows this speciest profiteering to exist and it is fundamentally wrong,

just as the white europeans classed black people as a different species under slavery and used this as the justification to subject them to a life of oppression and privation, , so it is happening with domesticated animals the world over.

For the last , and only the last 126 years, whether its peoples so called choice to eat steaks, or ice cream sodas, dog meat (now available and becoming common place in switzerland) or testing tobacco products on beagle puppies, or trapping and murdering majestic wolves for their hides to be crassly regurgitated as hood trims for some over priced canadian elitist brand machine, or whether it is burning out rabbits eyes for this years soap scent or opening monkeys heads for a look see because there brains are so much like ours and apparently warrant study , Its speciesism


What is speciesism?

noun – the assumption of human superiority leading to the exploitation of animals. / a prejudice or bias in favour of the interests of members of one’s own species and against those of members of other species. (Peter Singer, Animal Liberation, 1975)

861 consumerweb mary 2 mary hadweb marymary had a little lamb

©℗ 2016 FISHINABOX (All rights reserved) Credits :Floidbeats / DJ Skyaaz

Close all Slaughterhouses – Digital Music Release – Live – Kate Shortt

Close all Slaughterhouses – Digital Music Release – Live – Kate Shortt

Every year in the world, 60 billion land animals and more than 1000 billion aquatic animals are killed without necessity, which means that 164 million land animals and more than 2,74 billion aquatic animals are killed every day.

Close all Slaughterhouses is a digital music track inspired by Public Speakers at the Close all Slaughterhouses London March in June 2016. The event was held Globally in many cities with thousands of participants as part of a series of awareness campaigns for meat abolition.

Speakers are supported by the emotive cellist, Kate Shortt


©℗ 2016 FISHINABOX (All rights reserved)

Domestic Violence and Voiceless : TAKE MY BREATH AWAY

voiceless2 web

©℗ 2016 FISHINABOX (All rights reserved)

BATA MOTEL Courtesy of Penny Rimbaud

Domestic Violence and Voiceless : TAKE MY BREATH AWAY

Objectification article on the hidden levels of domestic abuse that go unchecked and brushed aside as the so called normal

How so called social norms, oppress women from expressing their rights. Are you subjected to any of the following forms of socially normalized abuse ? :
– Prevented from getting a job or having salary taken from her
– Making her beg for housekeeping
– Restricting access to family banking or financial decision making
– Threatening violence or using pushing , holds , body slaps
– Threats of reporting to welfare and other investigating bodies
– Making her sign documents (forced to take out PAYDAY loans etc)
– Making her afraid by using looks gestures actions
– Destroying her property
– Banging swearing and breaking things
– Belittling her as a woman and mother
– Humiliating her
– Inviting other men to flirt with her then degrading her as a slag
– Making her think shes crazy
– Following her around nagging
– Shouting commands
– Breaking her sleeping or child feeding pattern
– Playing mind games
– Controlling what she does who she sees and where she goes and talks too
– Turning up televisions and music when she is speaking
– Using jealousy to justify actions
– Ignoring requests and making light of abuse
– Not taking her concerns over abuse seriously
– Saying abuse didn’t happen
– Shifting responsibility for abusive behavior
– Making her feel guilty about children
– Using children to spy and relay messages to her
– Using visitation rights to harass her
– Threatening to take home and or children away from her
– Treating her like a servant
– Making all the big decisions
– Acting like master of the castle
– Being the one to define male and female roles and Belittle homosexuality and gender identities

Victims of domestic abuse are increasingly being forced to sign for credit, by their domineering and threatening partners, to finance abusers gambling, drug, drinking and dating habits – Citizens Advice Bureau suggests (2014).

Exercising financial control over someone or coercing them to get into debt is becoming an ever more common method of abuse.

An increasingly large number of women, have been being forced to take out loans, including payday loans, and then hand the money over to their partner. The also have access to their own working salaries restricted or completely seized by the abusive partner for his own personal disposal resulting in women having to beg and seek help from family members and friends for the basics such as food gas and electricity. In a report, published to coincide with the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, Citizens Advice warned that financial abuse was dramatically on the rise.
Almost three quarters of Citizens Advice workers, who spoke to those reporting financial abuse, said the victim had been forced by their abuser to take out credit and/or hand over their earnings under threat of violence.

You are NOT ALONE…………………………………..

Womens AID in the UK have been campaigning extensively to have all forms of abuse that are “non physical” (and as such largely unlegislated to date) recognised in law. The campaign has been met with a landmark achievement of accepting that Coercive control is at the heart of domestic abuse and that behavior of this nature is to be included in the serious crime acts.

Polly Neale, Director of Women’s Aid was reported to comment:

“Victims can be frightened of the repercussions of not abiding by someone else’s rules. Often they fear that violence will be used against them, or suffer from extreme psychological and emotional abuse.”
“Being subjected to repeated humiliation, intimidation or subordination can be as harmful as physical abuse, with many victims stating that trauma from psychological abuse had a more lasting impact than physical abuse.”
“Perpetrators will usually start abusing their victim by limiting her personal freedoms, monitoring her every move, and stripping away her control of her life; physical violence often comes later.”

Understanding what is and what is not abuse:

The Duluth Model is the most common batterer intervention program used globally to assess domestic abuse.

It is based in feminist theory positing that “domestic violence is the result of patriarchal ideology in which men are encouraged and expected to control their partners”.

The Domestic Abuse Intervention Project was the first all encompassing multi-discipline program addressing issues of domestic violence. Conducted in Duluth, Minnesota in 1981 and coordinated the actions of a variety of agencies dealing with domestic conflict, The Duluth model curriculum was developed by a “small group of activists in the battered women’s movement” with battered women and men as subject matter. The program has now become the model for western jurisdictions who seek to clearly identify and deal legislatly in prosecuting and protecting women from domestic violence.

The feminist theory underlying the Duluth Model is that men use violence within relationships to exercise power and control. According to the Duluth Model, “women and children are vulnerable to violence because of their unequal social, economic, and political status in society.”

Treatment of abusive men is focused primarily on re-education, as “we do not see men’s violence against women as stemming from individual pathology, but rather from a socially reinforced sense of entitlement.”

The program’s philosophy is intended to help batterers work to change their attitudes and personal behavior so they would learn to be nonviolent in any relationship.

Find out more on the link below to assess whether your own situation requires intervention to address issues of domestic abuse:

Victims and Survivors of Domestic Abuse – Looking for support ? Follow these links


FISHINABOX RECORDS excerpt their right under section 230 of the Communications Decency Act of 1996 to discuss all aspects of Domestic Abuse, including referencing publicly released source material. All comment on this project and all content under the context of “fair comment and criticism”.

DISCLAIMER: Links to information on sites other than those operated by FISHINABOX RECORDS are for your convenience only and are not an endorsement or recommendation of those sites. FISHINABOX RECORDS does not control or provide any content or information at these sites, makes no representation or warranty of any kind with respect to these sites or their content, and does not maintain, operate, or take responsibility for information provided. FISHINABOX RECORDS does not endorse and is not responsible for the accuracy or reliability of such content or information and any use thereof is solely at the user’s risk.




Choosing the right FUR is essential – A real reflection of who you want to be. The below link shows available trims and full coat pelts for your perusal:

To help you make the right choice, the right look for you, check on our lifestyle link, After all, we are what we wear:

Still not feeling it ?

no we don’t either.

The bottom line shoppers, is that the FUR you are shopping for and so kindly followed our google fur sellers online placing link to bring you here is Pornography.

The unconsential objectification and abuse of a living thing for sexualisation is pornography.

Today is the day that you can make a choice,. go FAKE (but how can i be sure its fake ? check the link: ) or just say no to FUR.

fur is pornography fur is pornography2WEBfur is pornography3web2
©℗ 2015 FISHINABOX / FBI ANIMALS (All rights reserved)

FISHINABOX RECORDS excerpt their right under section 230 of the Communications Decency Act of 1996 to discuss all aspects of the Fur trade industry, source material, comment on this project and all content under the context of “fair comment and criticism”.

DISCLAIMER: Links to information on sites other than those operated by FISHINABOX RECORDS are for your convenience only and are not an endorsement or recommendation of those sites. FISHINABOX RECORDS does not control or provide any content or information at these sites, makes no representation or warranty of any kind with respect to these sites or their content, and does not maintain, operate, or take responsibility for information provided. FISHINABOX RECORDS does not endorse and is not responsible for the accuracy or reliability of such content or information and any use thereof is solely at the user’s risk.


HANNIBAL FINALE – Extended 12″ Skinned Alive REMIX – The Full Story

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HANNIBAL FINALE – Extended 12″ Skinned Alive REMIX – The Full Story

After 3 months of preparation, near zero budget , we pulled the HANNIBAL anti-Fur video together.

With fantastic energy and support throughout the production team to get this message out there it finally all came together in August in our Hannibal Finale to the Anti Fur awareness campaign. Our hope is that the sheer volume of content we have created both here in London and in the inside footage from Fur Farms in Norway, that we will be able to continue a long and widespread awareness campaign over the unethical conduct of the Fur Industry as it continues to drive and brain wash young peoples minds that they “simply cannot be any one of importance, or exist in modern society without having to own a real fur”.

The Media machine of the Fashion Industry has accelerated it’s sexualization of the image of Fur to expand on the financial gains of opening markets and it’s working. Young Women we have questioned in fur have openly commented that they feel a real fur enhances their sexuality and standing, makes them more attractive to the opposite sex and more accepted in high society.

The Hannibal song has been criticized for appearing to be rapey or degrading to women. but on what grounds ? lyrical content ? At FISHINABOX we take all criticism on board and check whether it is constructive and valid or whether it is just a knee jerk reaction to controversial issues.

So we asked around in Hoxton and Stratford on a few Saturday afternoons and evenings on the Bar circuit (before people got past their first drink) about what the image of a girl in a fur conjured up for them ? What we got back was right on the money with the Hannibal track:  “Trashy / Street Trash / Prostitute  / Thick / Wanabee / The Kardashian’s but with an empty purse / a one night stand ” , When asked would they see a girl in a denim or a leather jacket in the same way, (aside form the jokes that Mark after a couple of pints would shag a lamp post) the response was no, its the fur that makes them “game” .These responses were being bandied around by young males in East London.

The Bottom line ? From the responses we got back overall, HANNIBAL is not “rapey” but it does capture the clear issue of concern, that the status of a Women in a fur coat when compared to one without is degraded and not enhanced unless as an object.

The Fashion industry angle that “Fur is sexy is also true it seems, but sexy in what way ? It is true Fur does make you more appealing, but only as a free ride on the village bicycle.  What did anyone expect ? Was the “Sex” in wearing a fur ever going to be anything more than a pornographic statement ? After all The fashion rags are selling an image of objectification and that is exactly what wearing a fur creates. Not class, not luxury, just the image of a street hooker for free. When you wear a fur out on the town is this how you want to be perceived ? Are these perceptions acceptable ? absolutely not , but the glamorization of fur has created that image not the minds that have read and seen the ad campaigns and soaked it in. The fault lies with the fur industry and it’s marketing campaign.

After such socially ground breaking steps in Animal Rights legislation and Women’s rights and feminism over the last 40 years, we hit the new millennium and Empathy and Responsibility have been thrown out of the window. This is the age of the Selfie and in the age of the Selfie, shallow plastic painted faces in pornographic skins ripped of the bodies of beautiful wild animals while still screaming is the new “black”.

The ability to think for ourselves culturally has been “sold” to our mobile phones, news rags, and plastic passion icons of no substance. The evidence is everywhere, from what you see tottering along in Knightsbridge in heels that cost more that a studio flats monthly rent, through to even the pitiful egotistical choices for candidates in the US Presidential election. The Social and Political spheres of the western world are no longer right wing or left wing but self wing.

Humanity is heading for a fall, the Fashion Carnival has made a mockery out of people and a tragedy out of the animal it persecutes. but for what ? to satisfy one simple thing: greed.

We hope that Hannibal, whether you find the content offensive or not, will get this message to you.

Do not degrade yourself and sacrifice your independent ethical choice, morality, or true beauty as sentient beings by engaging and buying into the base, immoral and pornography of the Fur Industry. Just say NO to FUR.

The care / don’t care about Fur debate in the Media:

Footage shot in side Fur Farms in Norway and used by kind permission of Nettverk for dyrs frihet/ Anti Fur Society

Filming HANNIBAL we basically only had enough budget to get the film studio blood (V) , pull together some costumes and the petrol to get to location. When we reached out to the Fashion Community to fund / donate / support this campaign no one wanted to touch it. responses over ” it’s fashion suicide for our business to be involved in such a campaign/ we have been told to ask you to leave,  through to , you don’t understand the power of the Fur industry, just walk away”

We were able though to secure the good support and to work once again with the Animal Rights Group “FBI Animals” (best known for the weekly Saturday Anti Fur and Anti Fois Gras protests in Knightsbridge) to produce the video.

The Story line follows a play off with a hunt and trap group coming across a wild tribe, they are trapped hunted and skinned for their fur coats then discarded. Simple story . Basically the story of forest and field mammals all over western Europe, US, Canada and Asia.

We have placed into the story some symbolism worth mentioning to better understand the depth in the story:

CARNIVAL MASKS: Carnival and Circus Masks were used on the catwalk to parody the fake plastic image of the Fashion Industry  and its endless re-branding of bling and glitz. This symbolism is aimed at the shallow self wing lifestyle that the industry and fur products appeal to.

MASKS IN GENERAL: FISHINABOX continues to use the symbolism of the mask to focus people on what is being presented in the story and not the people or players behind the set. There is nothing, no self , no personality beyond the story. The Mask has always been, throughout all tribal culture, used as a way to project the character carved into the Mask and to loose the person animating it from behind. Religious and ceremonial Masks have been assigned with Magical transitioning qualities throughout history.

UMBRELLAS: The Umbrella became a symbol of revolution during the Hong Kong Umbrella Revolution. Yellow Umbrellas were assigned significance as meaning “our home” and red for the blood of the downtrodden. The Umbrellas in the Hong Kong Protests were used as a wall to deflect tears gas and protect the demonstrators.

In the HANNIBAL video we use a giant Yellow Umbrella sail for the roof of the Fur Tribe home and the twirling Red Umbrella in the hands of Catwalk models, or, just discarded on the floor to symbolize the fickle disregard to the lives of the animals that had been killed for pelts.

NOTE: Previously FISHINABOX has also used this symbol as a defiance against the Japanese Whaling industry representing the spilt blood of Dolphins in the annual Taiji Cover Slaughter)

CATWALK SCENE: The Catwalk scene was included as it is the core image of anti-fur protesting. The trashing of Fashion Models, in Furs, with Blood stains stems back to the LYNX campaign in the early 1980’s where they pictured a woman in heels and fur coat leaving a trail of blood as she walked. The idea has been done many different ways but essentially around the same theme. It is not an original concept though is central to the subject matter of the storyboard hence it’s inclusion.

FIRE: Is used as a symbol of cleansing and cremation. In the Video the furs skinned off the Fur Tribe as set on fire and waved in a circle signifying Samsara the wheel of life and reincarnation. As they are turned in a circle the reference is that the Fur Tribe will be reincarnated and restored to life which is opposite of Humanities spiritual ideal that they will be able to leave the eternal cycle of reincarnation and achieve enlightenment and nirvana.

FUR TRIBE MAKE-UP: The Tribes make up were based around Native North and South American Amazonian and other Women strong warrior tribes.

MA’IINGAN (THE WOLF SPIRIT): The Wolf Spirit appears in line with First Nation Canadian Spiritual Beliefs of the Wolf as a Teacher, Mother Protector and Guardian and predictor of the future. Where the Wolf Spirit Dies so does it’s people. Ma’iingan being shown as a powerful Forest Dwelling Spirit captures the belief that in the end the Fur Tribe will be victorious over the plague of endless hunting. rape and destruction. Ma’iingan holds the anti fur placards and beats them on the ground to drum support from us the people to stop the crimes of the Fur Industry.

INSPIRATION FOR THE PROJECT: PETA Anti Fur Web campaign (Exposing Fur) / CRASS – Bata Motel (Objectification of Women) / Nettverk for dyrs frihet (Norwegian Fur Farms) / FBI Animals Harrods Anti-Fur Campaign / CAFT Anti Fur Harvey Nichols Campaign


FISHINABOX RECORDS excerpt their right under section 230 of the Communications Decency Act of 1996 to discuss all aspects of the Fur trade industry, source material, comment on this project and all content under the context of “fair comment and criticism”.

DISCLAIMER: Links to information on sites other than those operated by FISHINABOX RECORDS are for your convenience only and are not an endorsement or recommendation of those sites. FISHINABOX RECORDS does not control or provide any content or information at these sites, makes no representation or warranty of any kind with respect to these sites or their content, and does not maintain, operate, or take responsibility for information provided. FISHINABOX RECORDS does not endorse and is not responsible for the accuracy or reliability of such content or information and any use thereof is solely at the user’s risk.

The Power of Willful Ignorance (featuring Carol Hodge & Kate Shortt)

The Power of Willful Ignorance (featuring Carol Hodge & Kate Shortt)

This Song was originally inspired by the ExposE on UK advertising techniques used to normalise Factory Farming for the general public


See the original video that inspired the song:

“Think you aren’t being fooled by advertising tricks? Take a look at this so-called expert revealing food marketing’s secret weapon.”

Organizations such as Animal Aid have worked tirelessly on exposing malpractice and issues of Ethics in the UK farming Industry though the well financed and omnipresent marketing machine wielded by the farming industry with its official government sponsor’s continues to peddle the deception.

After investigating publically released footage by Animal Aid , London Vegan Action Groups and FISHINABOX pooled our efforts and made some of our own investigations , findings justified the writing and release of this song and Film footage will be featured in the Offical Song Video for “The Power of Willful Ignorance”



heidi head on a plate WEB

People – will believe anything you say
As long as you say it with a smile
People – they just don’t want to know the truth
They just want to know that everything’s alright

But I don’t want to rely upon
The third hand information that I’m fed
No I don’t want to hear another sound byte
That simplifies the problems up ahead

If you eat me(at), at least have the guts
To look me in the eye
And recognize
That something’s died
Something’s died

She takes her free trade coffee white with two
She likes her chicken skinned and vacuum sealed
The halal-kosher debate is none of her concern
A dozen eggs are cheaper from a shed, not a field

The chew that’s in her fruity sweets, the milk that’s chocolaty
The crush of insect red that stains her hands and teeth
The dolphins in her tuna, the human screams of pork back leg
The fluffy yellow orange red of males who hatched the egg

But who is she to argue?
She’s greased the trolley wheels
She’s priced out of the market
And her budget simply cannot yield

Two dozen sugared biscuits
Are cheaper and more filling
Than one organic piece of fruit
So what would you decide?

If you eat me(at), at least have the guts
To look me in the eye
And recognize
That something’s died,. Something’s died


NOTE to the lyrics:

Some Listeners have raised about the depersonalized nature of the innocent victims of factory farming in the use of the term “something” rather than “someone” .

This was a point raised during the lyric writing.

The use of the lyric “if you eat me(at) as supposed to convey the sentience of the victims in the verse we though carried enough weight as it was the victim calling out to be recognized and in the “something” lyric the victim , in the consumers eyes, no longer existed and was a “thing”

With that in mind we chose “somethings died” instead of “someone’s died” to point out the objectification of individuals in consumerism, as the song is focused on misunderstanding abuse at every level this was more in keeping with the message of the song .

In hindsight we could have probably done one verse “something” and the second refrain as “someone” so as to avoid any misunderstanding.

See the original video that inspired the song:


Looking to make a change and drop Meat from your diet but don’t know where to start ?

hanging meat

Over the next few News Reports we will be connecting you to UK based vegan lifestyle and foodie groups who can provide recipes, shopping links, contact groups , social gatherings all the required to explore an ethical diet.


©℗ 2015 FISHINABOX (All rights reserved)

Photography by kind permission of Julian Hanford / Model Heidi Mary Porter
Carol Hodge – Vocals , lyrics, Melody, Kate Shortt – Chello,  Andie Handei Kumafaro – Mastering, Score

DISCLAIMER: Links to information on sites other than those operated by FISHINABOX RECORDS are for your convenience only and are not an endorsement or recommendation of those sites. FISHINABOX RECORDS does not control or provide any content or information at these sites, makes no representation or warranty of any kind with respect to these sites or their content, and does not maintain, operate, or take responsibility for information provided. FISHINABOX RECORDS does not endorse and is not responsible for the accuracy or reliability of such content or information and any use thereof is solely at the user’s risk.

Hannibal E.P. (Anti-Fur) – Album

Fur Industry – Global Investigation -Hannibal E.P. 



The Hannibal EP now Available-  This 4 track Fur Exposé looks at the Fur that is making it onto the shelves in our London stores, Evidence has been gathered undercover in the Fur Trade strongholds – Nordic and Asian to highlight concerns over the ethics of exploding Fur Consumption in the UK and advise consumers of the what in “what they wear”.

The E.P. is part of a fund raising campaign to cover ongoing Fur Protest including up and coming Film Shoot designed to raise awareness of the Fur industry production process and moral consciousness when deciding whether to buy , or, not to buy Fur.

All content is available on Free Stream though should you wish to assist us in our work to continue raising awareness on the Fur Trade issue, please do pick up a copy of the E.P. this July so that we can cover the costs of the ongoing AntiFur campaign (Release date July 30th)

The Notes:

Track 01 – HANNIBAL

Acoustic Wordsmiths Urban Rap track on Fur , back in Fashion Cruel or Cool ? Are we such a nation of self-obsessed wannabees that the ”what” in what we wear is no longer important ?

Real Fur,. It;s everywhere again ! Cruel or Cool ? Are we such a nation of self-obsessed wannabees that the ”what” in what we wear is no longer important ? The reality is FAUX FUR never really looks that great after a few weeks and a rainstorm, If your trim still has its bright eyed and bushy tailed look,. its most likely real fur,. pretty sick stuff,. with a global growing skin alive policy,. back handers to hide sources and material tagging to get round import restrictions, elite advertising and profiteering Real Fur is the symbol of absolute ethical and social decadence.

When people wear a jacket with a FUR trim, you are making the clear statement: “Hey i’m really cool with that, and cares about where it comes from as long as i look pretty”..but are you ? really, what kind of person would be ?

Rabbit Fur , Dog Fur, why not skin a cat fur ?
thought you had the quality but you have got the crapfur
the only fur i’d wanna see is the one thats on your Bush,
on your Bush…x2
the only fur i’d wanna see is the one thats on your Bush,

Been down the fur shop wax your muff and all that,
but you fucking came back with a fluffy fur hat
I seen a poster offering a reward for you lost cat
whats the reward for fur on the back ?
what if you were killed for your fur coat ?
seen that PETA advert where that bloke
picks up a pole and wacks her round her boat
strips off her back spreads blood like a moat


How about i skin you and wear you too you
can wear your fur while i wear a fuck you
You wanna wear fur? Well I wanna wear you
I think I’d look really nice in a hat made of boobs
Believe me there’s only one fur I wanna see
And it’s not the one on your coat lady
Think a bit more personally
Now get out your badger, and show it to me


Are you so scared to show the skin that you’re in
That you’d rather wear that of another living thing
Well it ain’t living now, it’s remains in the bin
And the chances that it died humanely are slim
You wouldn’t wear your pet dog so why wear that
There’s no difference between fido and your fucking mink hat
And if you think there is then you’re truly a twat
Now stand in line as I give you all a slap
a slap a slap


How about i skin you and wear you too you
can wear your fur while i wear a fuck you
You wanna wear fur? Well I wanna wear you
I think I’d look really nice in a hat made of boobs
Believe me there’s only one fur I wanna see
And it’s not the one on your coat lady
Think a bit more personally
Now get out your badger, and show it to me

Are you so scared to show the skin that you’re in
That you’d rather wear that of another living thing
Well it ain’t living now, it’s remains in the bin
And the chances that it died humanely are slim
You wouldn’t wear your pet dog so why wear that
There’s no difference between fido and your fucking mink hat
And if you think there is then you’re truly a twat
Now stand in line as I give you all a slap
a slap a slap

Good News – We found your lost kitten / Puppy ! Bad News is your wearing it !

Track 02 – Fur Trade (NORDICS) Not FAMILY FRIENDLY

02. European Fur Farms Exposed

sales figures on fur in the UK have sky rocketed through the roof in the last 5 years. Cruel or Cool ? Are we such a nation of self-obsessed wannabees that the ”what” in what we wear is no longer important ?

The Fur Farming prohibition act was passed in 2000,. to prohibit the keeping of animals soley or primarily for the slaughter value of their fur.

Prior to the ban there were 11 fur farms in the UK producing 100,000 mink skins for luxury retail consumption a year. A public consultation in 1998 found there was overwhelming public support to end the practice in the UK.

So if there are no Fur farms in the UK who’s producing the fur that finds itself on to the UK high street ?

Cheap trims and hoods are classically imported from Asia or via Us markets. due to the rise in cost of producing fake fur, cheap real furs such as dog, raccoon in in the toy market cat fur have replaced fake as the main staple supply.

The fine mink and chinchilla furs favored in luxury London retailers are being for the most part supplied via Denmark and Norway. Both these countries insist their fur production is ethical.

A series over undercover recordings and video footage within the Nordic fur industry presents a distressing picture that appears out of step, in every way with this public statement. Please consider the impact of allowing this industry to continue unchallenged.

The following recording presents the experiences Animals for Fur go through, from the initial confinement leading to the knawing of limbs, starvation eating of excrement, and other , normal , physiological disorders caused for confinement. through to the execution of animals, the removal of skins and disposal of the carcasses as waste or by product.

Act    I – Confinement

Act   II – Execution

Act III – Defilment

Our thanks for support to make this production possible : Nettverk for dyrs frihet/Dyrebeskyttelsen Norge and the Anti Fur Society

Track 03 – China Anal Electrocution and Skin Alives

03. China Fur Farms (Main Retail Supply) (*See CONTENT note in footer.)

this recordings on China.
This was taken in Chinese Fur Farms using a skinned Alive practice. (*See CONTENT note in footer.)

They skin the fur off the animals alive.That’s for the trims and then for full pelts what they do is rather than damage the fur they capture the animal and they anally electrocute it with electrodes so they remove the fur without and damage to the fur and word is that the meat goes to pet food so at least there is some sort of by product.

It goes back into the pet food chain, whereas with some European furs they just, they just dump it for rubbish ,. ..

it goes back into the pet food chain so there is some by product but it’s a cruel process, here’s the recordings

Western demand for cheap fur product.
this demand has created a multi billion dollar industry, animal theft, and an explosion of the fur farming in china. The industry is unregulated* and many of the animals processed for fur have been found still wearing pet collars.
Fur, such as dog raccoon and cat are being processed at a rate of over 100,000 pelts a week and have last year passed the 5 million animal mark yet despite this demand continues unchecked and unchallenged.
Stores have been outed as labeling cheap fur products as fake and as recently as last week, a leading high street store in Covent Garden Store was forced to remove 4 products following an oversight on labeling. Most furs for sale in the UK are being sourced from the cheap fur unregulated network and purchasers are unaware of the origin of their product believing them to be very good fakes.

This audio recording documents the anal electrocution and skinning alive of dogs and raccoon’s for the westerns fur trim and hoods market

*Legislation against Cruelty has been drafted in 2009 but sidelined due to financial implications of applying the law though the main fur regions such as HeiBei have released Public statement that they are ethical.

Track 04 – London Protest and OUTRO (Hannibal Insrumental)

This track is the closing Outro to the Anti Fur campaign Awareness E.P.
The recording captures some protest action in London Earlier in 2015 along with an Instrumental Version of Hannibal.

The protest footage was taken in Knightsbridge, London in 2015

Take a leaflet,
Take a leaflet,
if {UNNAMED Leading London store} were to attempt to produce fur in the UK there would face a wrath of prosecution. It’s an absolute scandal that {UNNAMED leading London Store} continues to sell products of extreme cruelty.

Take a leaflet
take a leaflet

This animal has been skinned alive on a fur farm in China, to make a bit of fur on a bobble hat.
Its all pain, human animals, non human animals, we all feel pain in the same way,.

Its not good for us that this is happening, very bad for the human soul,.
this is what {UNNAMED Leading London store} are selling.


Disclaimer and Disclosure of Audio Content (required due to industry legal dispute).

Fur farms was shot on location in fur farms in Norway

The Skinning Alive process is currently being challenged legally by the fur industry as a falsified. Due to this we are unable to represent or release any real footage and have instead , reconstructed the audio around this issue as a close reconstruction of event based on available material.

The inclusion of the reconstruction is aimed at completeness of subject and to invite interested listeners to research further the disputed issue themselves and to draw their own conclusions.

FISHINABOX RECORDS recognizes that the inclusion of the reconstruction (China Fur Farms Main Retail Supply) is solely for effect and not as statement of fact.

Disclaimer: FISHINABOX RECORDS excerpt their right under section 230 of the Communications Decency Act of 1996 to discuss all aspects of the Fur trade industry, source material, comment on this project and all content under the context of “fair comment and criticism”.

©℗ 2015 FISHINABOX (All rights reserved)
Front Cover art by kind permission of

Fur Industry – Global Investigation -Hannibal E.P. July Release

Fur Industry – Global Investigation -Hannibal E.P. 



The Hannibal EP now Available-  This 4 track Fur Exposé looks at the Fur that is making it onto the shelves in our London stores, Evidence has been gathered undercover in the Fur Trade strongholds – Nordic and Asian to highlight concerns over the ethics of exploding Fur Consumption in the UK and advise consumers of the what in “what they wear”.

The E.P. is part of a fund raising campaign to cover ongoing Fur Protest including up and coming Film Shoot designed to raise awareness of the Fur industry production process and moral consciousness when deciding whether to buy , or, not to buy Fur.

All content is available on Free Stream though should you wish to assist us in our work to continue raising awareness on the Fur Trade issue, please do pick up a copy of the E.P. this July so that we can cover the costs of the ongoing AntiFur campaign (Release date July 30th)

The Notes:

Track 01 – HANNIBAL

Acoustic Wordsmiths Urban Rap track on Fur , back in Fashion Cruel or Cool ? Are we such a nation of self-obsessed wannabees that the ”what” in what we wear is no longer important ?

Real Fur,. It;s everywhere again ! Cruel or Cool ? Are we such a nation of self-obsessed wannabees that the ”what” in what we wear is no longer important ? The reality is FAUX FUR never really looks that great after a few weeks and a rainstorm, If your trim still has its bright eyed and bushy tailed look,. its most likely real fur,. pretty sick stuff,. with a global growing skin alive policy,. back handers to hide sources and material tagging to get round import restrictions, elite advertising and profiteering Real Fur is the symbol of absolute ethical and social decadence.

When people wear a jacket with a FUR trim, you are making the clear statement: “Hey i’m really cool with that, and cares about where it comes from as long as i look pretty”..but are you ? really, what kind of person would be ?

Rabbit Fur , Dog Fur, why not skin a cat fur ?
thought you had the quality but you have got the crapfur
the only fur i’d wanna see is the one thats on your Bush,
on your Bush…x2
the only fur i’d wanna see is the one thats on your Bush,

Been down the fur shop wax your muff and all that,
but you fucking came back with a fluffy fur hat
I seen a poster offering a reward for you lost cat
whats the reward for fur on the back ?
what if you were killed for your fur coat ?
seen that PETA advert where that bloke
picks up a pole and wacks her round her boat
strips off her back spreads blood like a moat


How about i skin you and wear you too you
can wear your fur while i wear a fuck you
You wanna wear fur? Well I wanna wear you
I think I’d look really nice in a hat made of boobs
Believe me there’s only one fur I wanna see
And it’s not the one on your coat lady
Think a bit more personally
Now get out your badger, and show it to me


Are you so scared to show the skin that you’re in
That you’d rather wear that of another living thing
Well it ain’t living now, it’s remains in the bin
And the chances that it died humanely are slim
You wouldn’t wear your pet dog so why wear that
There’s no difference between fido and your fucking mink hat
And if you think there is then you’re truly a twat
Now stand in line as I give you all a slap
a slap a slap


How about i skin you and wear you too you
can wear your fur while i wear a fuck you
You wanna wear fur? Well I wanna wear you
I think I’d look really nice in a hat made of boobs
Believe me there’s only one fur I wanna see
And it’s not the one on your coat lady
Think a bit more personally
Now get out your badger, and show it to me

Are you so scared to show the skin that you’re in
That you’d rather wear that of another living thing
Well it ain’t living now, it’s remains in the bin
And the chances that it died humanely are slim
You wouldn’t wear your pet dog so why wear that
There’s no difference between fido and your fucking mink hat
And if you think there is then you’re truly a twat
Now stand in line as I give you all a slap
a slap a slap

Good News – We found your lost kitten / Puppy ! Bad News is your wearing it !

Track 02 – Fur Trade (NORDICS) Not FAMILY FRIENDLY

02. European Fur Farms Exposed

sales figures on fur in the UK have sky rocketed through the roof in the last 5 years. Cruel or Cool ? Are we such a nation of self-obsessed wannabees that the ”what” in what we wear is no longer important ?

The Fur Farming prohibition act was passed in 2000,. to prohibit the keeping of animals soley or primarily for the slaughter value of their fur.

Prior to the ban there were 11 fur farms in the UK producing 100,000 mink skins for luxury retail consumption a year. A public consultation in 1998 found there was overwhelming public support to end the practice in the UK.

So if there are no Fur farms in the UK who’s producing the fur that finds itself on to the UK high street ?

Cheap trims and hoods are classically imported from Asia or via Us markets. due to the rise in cost of producing fake fur, cheap real furs such as dog, raccoon in in the toy market cat fur have replaced fake as the main staple supply.

The fine mink and chinchilla furs favored in luxury London retailers are being for the most part supplied via Denmark and Norway. Both these countries insist their fur production is ethical.

A series over undercover recordings and video footage within the Nordic fur industry presents a distressing picture that appears out of step, in every way with this public statement. Please consider the impact of allowing this industry to continue unchallenged.

The following recording presents the experiences Animals for Fur go through, from the initial confinement leading to the knawing of limbs, starvation eating of excrement, and other , normal , physiological disorders caused for confinement. through to the execution of animals, the removal of skins and disposal of the carcasses as waste or by product.

Act    I – Confinement

Act   II – Execution

Act III – Defilment

Our thanks for support to make this production possible : Nettverk for dyrs frihet/Dyrebeskyttelsen Norge and the Anti Fur Society

Track 03 – China Anal Electrocution and Skin Alives

03. China Fur Farms (Main Retail Supply) (*See CONTENT note in footer.)

this recordings on China.
This was taken in Chinese Fur Farms using a skinned Alive practice. (*See CONTENT note in footer.)

They skin the fur off the animals alive.That’s for the trims and then for full pelts what they do is rather than damage the fur they capture the animal and they anally electrocute it with electrodes so they remove the fur without and damage to the fur and word is that the meat goes to pet food so at least there is some sort of by product.

It goes back into the pet food chain, whereas with some European furs they just, they just dump it for rubbish ,. ..

it goes back into the pet food chain so there is some by product but it’s a cruel process, here’s the recordings

Western demand for cheap fur product.
this demand has created a multi billion dollar industry, animal theft, and an explosion of the fur farming in china. The industry is unregulated* and many of the animals processed for fur have been found still wearing pet collars.
Fur, such as dog raccoon and cat are being processed at a rate of over 100,000 pelts a week and have last year passed the 5 million animal mark yet despite this demand continues unchecked and unchallenged.
Stores have been outed as labeling cheap fur products as fake and as recently as last week, a leading high street store in Covent Garden Store was forced to remove 4 products following an oversight on labeling. Most furs for sale in the UK are being sourced from the cheap fur unregulated network and purchasers are unaware of the origin of their product believing them to be very good fakes.

This audio recording documents the anal electrocution and skinning alive of dogs and raccoon’s for the westerns fur trim and hoods market

*Legislation against Cruelty has been drafted in 2009 but sidelined due to financial implications of applying the law though the main fur regions such as HeiBei have released Public statement that they are ethical.

Track 04 – London Protest and OUTRO (Hannibal Insrumental)

This track is the closing Outro to the Anti Fur campaign Awareness E.P.
The recording captures some protest action in London Earlier in 2015 along with an Instrumental Version of Hannibal.

The protest footage was taken in Knightsbridge, London in 2015

Take a leaflet,
Take a leaflet,
if {UNNAMED Leading London store} were to attempt to produce fur in the UK there would face a wrath of prosecution. It’s an absolute scandal that {UNNAMED leading London Store} continues to sell products of extreme cruelty.

Take a leaflet
take a leaflet

This animal has been skinned alive on a fur farm in China, to make a bit of fur on a bobble hat.
Its all pain, human animals, non human animals, we all feel pain in the same way,.

Its not good for us that this is happening, very bad for the human soul,.
this is what {UNNAMED Leading London store} are selling.


Disclaimer and Disclosure of Audio Content (required due to industry legal dispute).

Fur farms was shot on location in fur farms in Norway

The Skinning Alive process is currently being challenged legally by the fur industry as a falsified. Due to this we are unable to represent or release any real footage and have instead , reconstructed the audio around this issue as a close reconstruction of event based on available material.

The inclusion of the reconstruction is aimed at completeness of subject and to invite interested listeners to research further the disputed issue themselves and to draw their own conclusions.

FISHINABOX RECORDS recognizes that the inclusion of the reconstruction (China Fur Farms Main Retail Supply) is solely for effect and not as statement of fact.

Disclaimer: FISHINABOX RECORDS excerpt their right under section 230 of the Communications Decency Act of 1996 to discuss all aspects of the Fur trade industry, source material, comment on this project and all content under the context of “fair comment and criticism”.

©℗ 2015 FISHINABOX (All rights reserved)
Front Cover art by kind permission of




The Fur campaign has got a lot of feedback from so called “Fur Lovers”,. Comments such as “Yeah sure, It’s out there, but the unethical stuff is over in China not here !” (Asian Fur Scandals Skinning Alive, Anal Electrocution – actually global export to Canada, South Korea and Arab States), “yeah yeah, Rabbits, Dogs and Cats oh my !,.” (but it doesn’t affect Europe right ?) and “I only wear High Furs, Guaranteed Ethically farmed”.

 FISHINABOX  decided to take a look into this feedback and do a little digging. A search and find mission to track back the Faro Fox and Mink high furs that are so favored by the “fashion elite and wanna bees” of  our Glamour Culture.

FISHINABOX wanted to understand what does it mean when you pop into stores like Harrods, Harvey Nichols, Joseph etc and the shop assistant says “It’s OK its Ethically Sourced…” What do they think is Ethical ? and does it meet expectations ? The mission was simple, look up the meaning of “Ethical” and sample test the industry to see if it meets expectations.

ETHICAL:being in accordance with the rules or standards for moral right conduct or practice“.  

What does Ethical mean to you ? look at the documented evidence below and then ask yourself the question.

Our research to chase “Ethical Fur Farming” has taken us to Norway, one of the main established bastions of the European Fur trade (after Denmark). Here are some of the Fur farms,. they seems to look just fine out here in the tranquil forest and mountain expanses, so let’s take a look on the inside track of the Ethical Fur Industry.

Engaging with the team on the ground: Nettverk for dyrs frihet/Dyrebeskyttelsen Norge via the Anti Fur Society to collect evidence from Norwegian Fur Farms.  Nettverk for dyrs frihet/Dyrebeskyttelsen Norge have been working tirelessly to gain access and document the Ethical Fur Trade in Norway we can now share the findings of the group to raise the question.

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Let’s meet some of the animals that live here

  002 003004005006

In all cases , All fur farms investigated contained the same conditions. Animals keep in dire confinement have resorted to gnawing their own limbs, attacking each other, neglected,, eating excrement when not feed, death and disease is unchecked and carcasses are left with living animals.

007AAAA 00011111 009  118011114AAA

Conditions fare no better for other species

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Images courtesy of Nettverk for dyrs frihet/Dyrebeskyttelsen Norge

It goes on and on,.  Every farm every cage, every pen, the same story. This is where your Fur Trim comes from.

This is the little extra you get when you put the Fake Fur back on the rail and buy a real one. This is the result solely of YOUR action, YOUR purchasing power and the Fur Industry response “People want it, they demand it”,. do you demand this, really ?  There are 6,000 fur farms in the EU. The EU accounts for 63% of global mink production and 70% of fox production they exist because YOU want it !

Our busy globalized world is hard and fast and unrelenting on giving us all advice on what to eat , what to wear. Our Media feeds are constantly full of “spoon fed advice to pay up and shut up if you want to be someone, someone socially recognized”.

Endless exotic, sexualized eye candy to model ourselves on. Take a good look at what they represent, who benefits from this trade ? is it you ? or the select few ?

Decide whether you want to be associated with the hard and fast, buy now and think later culture or whether you want to abstain or even better help us turn the tide against it.

Celebrity Role Models that wear FUR in the Globalized Western World:

Animals that Wear FUR in the Globalized West World:

Who do you believe ?

If you want to help put a stop to these endless atrocities its simple, firstly MAKE IT FAKE,. that is the obvious step, if you want to get refunds on your Furs you have splashed out on, then in the links below we have ways for you to achieve that.

If you don’t want to seek refund, or are embarrassed to return goods, but still feel uncomfortable with owning Fur,. then pass yours to a homeless person, Charity shops wont generally take them so just give Good Karma a little chance and hand it over to someone who is genuinely freezing cold. Once that’s done and you are Fur Free then Join the Campaign AGAINST the glorification and celebration of Abuse.

Voice your concerns ? Protest: EVERY SATURDAY PROTEST ACTION OUTSIDE HARRODS 12 – 4.

Click the links below for more information:

FISHINABOX RECORDS excerpt their right under section 230 of the Communications Decency Act of 1996 to discuss all aspects of the Fur trade industry, source material, comment on this project and all content under the context of “fair comment and criticism”.

DISCLAIMER: Links to information on sites other than those operated by FISHINABOX RECORDS are for your convenience only and are not an endorsement or recommendation of those sites. FISHINABOX RECORDS does not control or provide any content or information at these sites, makes no representation or warranty of any kind with respect to these sites or their content, and does not maintain, operate, or take responsibility for information provided. FISHINABOX RECORDS does not endorse and is not responsible for the accuracy or reliability of such content or information and any use thereof is solely at the user’s risk.

FAKE FUR SCANDAL: Is your FAUX FUR actually REAL FUR ? Street Action – Get Involved !


The reality is FAUX FUR never really looks that great after a few weeks and a rainstorm, If your trim still has its  bright eyed and bushy tailed look,. its most likely real fur

Real Fur production is on the rise,. 60% of the US fur import market is real fur coming in from Asia, unregulated and undercutting synthetic fake fur production costs by up to 70% ! These bargain fur price points are driven wholly by scale farming and the increasingly cruel cost cutting methods which involve now “normal” industry practices of skinning alive, anal electrocution, horrific conditions of confinement in cramp quarters filled with excrement , beating, suffocation, gas, and poisoning.

When you wear a jacket with a FUR trim, you are making the clear statement: “Hey i’m really cool with that, and who gives a shit about where it comes from as long as i look pretty”..but are you ? really, what kind of person would be ?

Do you ever feel like you’ve been cheated ?  

Do you support regulation and ethical farming world wide ? Feel you want to do something about it ? GET INVOLVED:

PRINT / SHARE the below slips and pass out to people in your peer groups, family friends and fellow passengers on public transport:

puppy cut outKitten cut out Rabbit cut out

Support the campaign – Share  your own Testimonal  / Name and Shame Retail outlets:

“Someone told me about the ‘burn test’ to check if its fake or real. My daughter bought some gloves from a shop in Oxford St, Knowing my feelings on fur she asked the guy whether it was fake, He said yes (LIAR!) well it was confirmed as rabbit fur” Lisa Ramsey February 24th 2015

If you want to check your Trim or jacket to see if its FUR:

More of the same:

If you have bought FUR without realizing ? Return it to the Shop of purchase and request a refund 

based on mis-sold goods consumer rights known as “Satisfactory As Described” :


Other Action – “A Sticky Business”

An increasing number of “Anti-Fur” Stickers can be seen around town, Easy to Apply and carrying a very clear message, whether you are out in the street, on Public Transport or wondering why you have to pay extra for Soy milk in Cafe Nero instead of dairy (why is that when it’s an alternative not a side order ?)….. join the sticker tape parade and get your Animal Rights stickers at the below link:

sticker01 sticker02 sticker03 sticker04

Go the next step – join the growing Protest action:




Images from the Harvey Nichols CAFT protest action group, (images by kind permission of Pacificus)

10974642_1561076300846144_6390341667022866782_o (1) 10869822_1561076320846142_4648067198129252709_o 10974349_1561076394179468_5903149682636992603_o (1) ENHANCED hn 01 WEB10854907_1560028900950884_1447194787687264460_o (1) CENSORED 10271179_1560028927617548_8209398078442706804_o (1) CENSORED1617634_1560028907617550_8526678431883173494_o (1) CENSORED


Newly shamed in the Fashion Elite for selling “FAUXFUR” but proved to be cat / rabbit / racoon / dog: Aquatalia /Belk/Michael Kors/Jacadi, and Nordstrom Rack

Michael Kors spokesman commented that the material falsely identified as “faux” on the store’s website due to “a clerical error,” (NO SHIT Sherlock ! – Source NBC News today show:

In the 1980’s  public rejected FUR en mass following a series of campaigns highlighting the techniques used in the processing of Seal Cubs for FUR. It is ironic that this method of processing FUR , so vehemently protested against is more humane than most of the global fur trade farming today. At least the seals were dead ! The Public had an issue with that but don’t have an issue with whats going on today ? it seems unbelievable….

Here are some informative links on the reality of the FUR trade for those of you who like to investigate more:

FUR IS BACK:–fashion-industry-hang-head-shame.html








FISHINABOX RECORDS excerpt their right under section 230 of the Communications Decency Act of 1996 to discuss all aspects of the Fur trade industry, source material, comment on this project and all content under the context of “fair comment and criticism”.

DISCLAIMER: Links to information on sites other than those operated by FISHINABOX RECORDS are for your convenience only and are not an endorsement or recommendation of those sites. FISHINABOX RECORDS does not control or provide any content or information at these sites, makes no representation or warranty of any kind with respect to these sites or their content, and does not maintain, operate, or take responsibility for information provided. FISHINABOX RECORDS does not endorse and is not responsible for the accuracy or reliability of such content or information and any use thereof is solely at the user’s risk.