This Album was inspired by and created specifically to support and spread awareness for the DEMO March procession on January 17th 2015 in LONDON.
ALBUM REVIEW on the Canadian Press: http://www.themusicbiz.org/fishinabox-taiji-cove-environmental-documentary-performed-dubstep/
The Album is copyrighted and released to global distribution but we have decided today to hold the roll out at distribution until the DEMOs against Japanese Dolphin and Whale farming is completed so that activists can benefit from FREE Download of the Album for use in the Demonstrations.
FISHINABOX RECORDS excerpt their right under section 230 of the Communications Decency Act of 1996 to discuss all aspects of the Live animal trade industry, source material, comment on this project and all content under the context of “fair comment and criticism”.

The Storyboard revolves around the Arguments for and against the farming of sea Mammals, both on the Japanese side and that of the Eco Warriors, as they argue over the practices cantered around Taiji Cove and the impacting and the (intrinsically connected with Taiji), further Japanese commercial whaling industry.
Track List:
01 TAIJI Cove
02 Close Down TAIJI
03 Enter the IWC
04 Pest Control
05 Mercury
06 Ocean Journey
07 Nails that stick up get hammered down
08 Whalesong
09 London DEMO Jan17 2015
It Begins and Ends with Taiji Cove
It Begins and Ends with Taiji Cove
It Begins and Ends with Taiji Cove
Dolphin Chatter / Sonos / Sonics/ Chatter
Japan controls the world Fish markets, it is true there is over demand for fishing and whatever measures, however unpopular, must be taken to preserve fishing stocks. The reduction of Dolphin and Whale population has a significant effect on available fish stocks and ensures the industry is not at this time restricted in meeting public demand for fish.The farming of Dolphin and Whales is for the Public
No Dolphin caught in the Cove is Spared
No Dolphin caught in the Cove is Spared
Dolphin Chatter
No Dolphin caught in the Cove is Spared
Dolphin Chatter
Dolphin Screams
Dolphin Screams
The Taiji Dolphin Industry is the most lucrative part of Sea Mammal fishing in Japan. Live Dolphins caught through a process od confusing the mammals during migration with sonic attack makes them an easy target for cove based fishermen.
The herded Dolphins, despite the lifelong Trauma caused by sonic attack, are sold for 100,000.00 Dollars a head to the captive animal trade, dolphinariums. Live Animal centers and the like.
A Dolphin in captivity is worth around 3m dollars profit a year in sales revenue.
There are only ever so many places in the cages, and the oversupply of dolphin’s results in a pennies for punches slaughter to mmaximize financial return on the balance of the captured pods and herds where they are killed for the Meat Market.
No Dolphin caught in the Cove is Spared
No Dolphin caught in the Cove is Spared
It Begins and Ends with Taiji Cove
It Begins and Ends with Taiji Cove
It Begins and Ends with Taiji Cove
It Begins and Ends with Taiji Cove
It Begins and Ends with Taiji Cove
02 Close Down Taiji
Taiji, is the last whaling cove in Japan as the others have now exhausted all natural Dolphin migration. Taiji Cove stands a secluded bay, responsible for the one stop farming of Dolphin meat and the Mecca Black Friday shopping paradise for the selling of live dolphins into captivity.
It Begins and Ends with Taiji Cove
Close down Taiji and the entire live Dolphin trade and Dolphin meat industry fails. (Off the back of this Japanese Commercial Whale Meat also falls into Global Health Scrutiny)
Close down Taiji
Close down Taiji
Close down Taiji
Close down Taiji
Close down Taiji
Close down Taiji
Close down Taiji
Close down Taiji
Close down Taiji
Close down Taiji
Close down Taiji
Close down Taiji, Taiji, Taiji, Taiji, Taiji, Taiji, Taiji, Taiji
03 Enter the IWC
We must ask the Question. Is the IWC fit for purpose ?
No, No N’, No, No N’, No, No, No N’, No, No N’ N’ N’ N-No N’..
No, No N’, No, No N’, No, No, No N’, No, No N’ N’ N’ N-No N’..
No, No N’, No, No N’, No, No, No N’, No, No N’ N’ N’ N-No N’..
No, No N’, No, No N’, No, No, No N’, No, No N’ N’ N’ N-No N’..
The Japanese Government are trying to legitimise a practice that almost every country in the world has said no too. The IWC, tasked with managing the whaling issue, are no longer effective and do not classify small citations under the whaling charter.
Japanese Government overseas funding has caressed the political halls of 3rd world and island nations up and down the whaling route where financial investment comes with an invitation to join the IWC and then vote and support the Japanese position on whaling.
There is no hope of balances legislative control of the Whaling issue while matters lie in the hands of the IWC.
We must ask the Question. Is the IWC fit for purpose ?
Japan controls the world Fish markets, it is true there is over demand for fishing and whatever measures, however unpopular, must be taken to preserve fishing stocks. The reduction of Dolphin and Whale population has a significant effect on available fish stocks and ensures the industry is not at this time restricted in meeting public demand for fish.The farming of Dolphin and Whales is for public
Is the IWC fit for purpose ?
Is the IWC fit for purpose ?
Is the IWC fit for purpose ?
No, No N’, No, No N’, No, No, No N’, No, No N’ N’ N’ N-No N’..
No, No N’, No, No N’, No, No, No N’, No, No N’ N’ N’ N-No N’..
Is the IWC fit for purpose ?
04 Pest Control
Action taken to put something right is often more unpleasant or damaging than the original problem.
Action taken to put something right is often more unpleasant or damaging than the original problem.
Action taken to put something right is often more unpleasant or damaging than the original problem.
Action taken to put something right is often more unpleasant or damaging than the original problem.
Action taken to put something right is often more unpleasant or damaging than the original problem.
05 Mercury
Japanese media blackout on Dolphin Hunting is keeping Japanese people in the dark. The Dolphin meat industry over the last 35 years has been kept quiet. Osaka, Kyoto and Tokyo is generally unaware that the industry is operating on scale.
There is no active eco/environmental group in Japan able to raise and successfully challenge the Dolphin industry issue. If the slaughter of Dolphin’s is tradition then why the Media Blackout ? I mean there are hardly any sales of Dolphin Meat, who actually eats Dolphin Meat ? Why the Media Blackout ?
Recent health checks and tests on whale meat product sold throughout the Japanese mainland have raised question on the level of Mercury found in tinned meats. Oddly the levels of Mercury are corresponding with the of Dolphin and not Whale Meat. Raising the Question ?
Where does Whale Meat come from ?
2000 Dolphins, this year alone ? Slaughtered ? Where did the Meat go ?
Why the Media Blackout ?
Why the Media Blackout ?
This Dolphin thing is just another “Horsemeat” horror story, one fishing industry feeding the other with it’s cast off’s. Dolphin or Whale meat is all one in the same, a sick cycle, passing off poisoned meat to an ill informed and unsuspecting Public.
I mean WTF, It’s psychotic. It’s like every single living sea mammal is in danger if it swims through Japanese waters ? In Taiji they are trying to promote Dolphin meat as safe and part of the Community by giving it away free, to school, for like lunch meat ! I mean after all the studies on poisoning ? Have they actually seen the effects of Mercury on an unborn foetus, the highest risk of deformities and mental illness ? Is that why the Government are keeping this subject off all channels?
How could any mother let their children eat this shit ? Come on, wake up and recognise this for what it is !
Recent health checks and tests on whale meat product sold throughout the Japanese mainland have raised question on the level of Mercury found in tinned meats. Oddly the levels of Mercury are corresponding with the of Dolphin and not Whale Meat. Raising the Question ?
Where does Whale Meat really come from ?
Despite the blackout, there’s no more excuses, no more double talk. Don’t let it be said that you don’t know about it. Japanese people don’t let it be said that we agree, or in anyway support this.
Where does Whale Meat really come from ?
Where does Whale Meat really come from ?
06 Ocean Journey
07 Nails that stick up get hammered down
If the nails sticks out it will be beaten down/If you stand out agaisnt us, you will be subject to criticism / If you cross us we will put you down
The Farming of Whales and Dolphins for Public consumption shows great commitment and effort by Japan to protect the world fishing industry.
Japan undertakes this responsibility for the good of the international community and despite being a good international citizen does not insist that other countries allow the sale of whale meat products. Japan is a good international citizen.
It’s Psychotic, there’s no more excuses
It is a shame that our efforts to protect fishing stocks are not better received !
I mean, do Japanese People seriously agree with hunting for Whale Meat ?
The Farming of Whales and Dolphins for Public consumption shows great commitment and effort by Japan to protect the world fishing industry.
Japan undertakes this responsibility for the good of the international community and despite being a good international citizen does not insist that other countries allow the sale of whale meat products. Japan is a good international citizen.
It is a shame that our efforts to protect fishing stocks are not better received !
Japan ! Japanese People ! There’s no excuses ! Don’t let it be said that we agree or in anyway support this !
If the nails sticks out it will be beaten down/If you stand out agaisnt us, you will be subject to criticism / If you cross us we will put you down
If the nails sticks out it will be beaten down/If you stand out agaisnt us, you will be subject to criticism / If you cross us we will put you down

08 Whalesong
We aim for the resumption of commercial whaling by conducting whaling research in order to obtain scientific data indispensable for the management of whale resources.To that end, We will step up efforts further to get understanding from the international community.In contrast to the foreign perception that whaling communities mercilessly exploit the marine mammals, whaling towns show respect to the animals, with religious services at the end of every hunting season.It is regrettable that this part of Japanese culture is not understood.
大変残念なことです。Japanese culture is not understood.
大変残念なことです。Japanese culture is not understood.
大変残念なことです。Japanese culture is not understood.
大変残念なことです。Japanese culture is not understood.
大変残念なことです。Japanese culture is not understood.
大変残念なことです。Japanese culture is not understood.
How popular really is Whale meat ? Whale bacon ?
Do Japanese people, I mean seriously, agree with the hunting of one of the most intelligent species on the planet ?
It is regrettable that this part of Japanese culture is not understood.
Japanese fisherman involved in Commercial Whaling pay homage to the animal, at the end of the hunting season with a memorial service
They were hunting with this scientific permit and bagging around 450 whales a season, So the World court questioned , why after so many whales was the scientific research still inconclusive ? and they passed a judgement that the permit was just a smokescreen for commercial whaling
Japanese fisherman involved in Commercial Whaling pay homage to the animal, at the end of the hunting season with a memorial service
It is regrettable that this part of Japanese culture is not understood.
Japanese whale trawlers still out there, they still obsessively pursue the reinstatement of scientific permit to feed a national food fetish.
Japanese fisherman involved in Commercial Whaling pay homage to the animal, at the end of the hunting season with a memorial service
Shinzō Abe the Japanese PM on his post ban visit to Australia make a speech that Japan would obey the ban as they were a good international citizen but that they would seek for reinstatement of the permit.
Japanese fisherman involved in Commercial Whaling pay homage to the animal, at the end of the hunting season with a memorial service
come on , its just lies upon lies, the same old story and we are tired of it, sick and tired of the killing , sick and tired of of the suited and respectable classes failing, society again and again by supporting publicly base, unnecessary and barbaric stone age traditions.
How popular really is Whale meat ? Whale bacon ?
How popular really is Whale meat ? Whale bacon ?
How popular really is Whale meat ? Whale bacon ?
How popular really is Whale meat ? Whale bacon ?
How popular really is Whale meat ? Whale bacon ?
How popular really is Whale meat ? Whale bacon ?
Whale bacon ?
Whale bacon ?
Whale bacon ?
Whale bacon ?
Tell em, 商業捕鯨 Commercial Whaling, hit me
商業捕鯨 Commercial Whaling
商業捕鯨 Commercial Whaling
商業捕鯨 Commercial Whaling
商業捕鯨 Commercial Whaling
商業捕鯨 Commercial Whaling
商業捕鯨 Commercial Whaling
商業捕鯨 Commercial Whaling
商業捕鯨 Commercial Whaling
So,. basically Japan have been in and out of court for 4 years since 2010 disputing whaling hunting rights.
They were hunting with this scientific permit and bagging around 450 whales a season,. basically 10,000 whales since the permit was authorized for supposed scientific research. So the World court questioned why the scientific research, after so many whats, was still inconclusive and basically passed a judgement that the permit just a smoke screen for commercial whale hunting.
The ban was passed This year.
Shinzo Abe the Japanese PM on his post ban visit to Australia make a speech that Japan would obey the ban as they were a good international citizen but that they would seek for reinstatement of the permit.
Frankly This is bullshit, Japanese Whaling trawlers are still out there and how can we accept Japan’s statement about being a good international citizen when they still obsessively pursue the reinstatement of scientific permits to feed a national food fetish ? I mean how popular really is Whale Meant, Whale Bacon ?,. Do Japanese people seriously, i mean seriously on mass agree with the mass hunting, to a point of risk, extinction, one of the most intelligent creatures on the planet ? Come on , its just lies upon lies, the same old story,. and we are tired of it,. sick and tired of the killing , sick and tired of the suited and respectable classes failing, society again and again by supporting publicly base, unnecessary and barbaric stone age traditions. its time to wipe the fake smiles and handshakes in and out of the courtroom and political halls and stop with the hunting.
who really eats whale meat ? Whale Bacon ?
London DEMO JAN172015
Tell Japan to stop killing Dolphins !
Close down the aquariums !
Close down Seaworld !
Stand up for the voiceless ones !
Stand up for the voiceless ones !
….Where animals are brutalized and slaughtered ! Hundreds ! Thousands! Every year !
Taiji, let them be !
Taiji, let them be !
Taiji, let them be !
Taiji, let them be ! be ! be ! be ! be !
Taiji, set them free !
Taiji, set them free !
Taiji, set them free !
Taiji, set them free !
Taiji, set them free !
Taiji, set them free !
Taiji, set them free !
Taiji, set them free ! Taiji, let them be !
Stop the slaughter in the water ! Free the Dolphins of Taiji !
So Why are you at the Demo today ?
Do we really want to see Dolphin’s perform mindless tricks over and over again ? Or do we want to see them in the Oceans wild and free ?
and I think the answer that most people would give is that we want them to be wild and free. and the senseless murder of the other Dolphin’s that are not captured for aquariums, they’re captured because in Japan they are still eating Dolphin meat. The Dolphin meat is filled with mercury and they are poisoning their children with the Dolphin meat, it’s being served at school dinners and in Japan they have to eat their school dinners, because that’s the law. They are poisoning their own children, so, that’s why I am here today. I think, we are destroying our planet, we are destroying ourselves. The human race cannot find peace until we make peace with our fellow animals. They feel pain the same as us, we have to stop , it;s a holocaust.
Now Dolphin’s around the world are under pressure like never before. Because of pollution, because of fishing, because of climate change. We’re not certain of what population numbers we can have; we know that they are falling rapidly and that they are highly endangered in many parts of the world yet they have no proper legal protection whatsoever, be it in national countries like Japan, or International agreements such as “CITES” and that is not right. The way that these animals are killed, the way that no one is keeping track of the impact on their numbers is an absolute disgrace. and the fact that the Japanese Government think they can get away with this and that the rest of the world will fall silent is not going to happen anymore.
What I am really pleased about, is that this issue is back on the top of the Media agenda again but its not on the top of the Media agenda because of the newspapers and the television. It’s because of people like you here in the cities around the world and because of the growing power of social media; because your’e putting it on Twitter, your’e putting it on Facebook, your’e getting angry, your forcing Al Jazeera and the BBC to get this back on our television screens to tell us the real horror that is going on in Taiji and the other parts of Japan as well. We know that “The Cove” in 2009 was a great film, we know it deserved and Oscar but it’s now 5 years ago and memories are very short and all of us here must keep this on the global media agenda because this is an absolute disgrace.
Now what happens in Taiji impacts all of us, all of us who care about wildlife, all of us who care about the future and protection of intelligent animals like Dolphins. As I said, over 20,000 of these animals are killed of the Japanese coast every year, nearly 2, to 2 and a half thousand of them are killed in Taiji Cove. Now there are many issues around Taiji. Lot’s of discussion about culture and we saw our friend on the road earlier who said we are all terrorists because we do not understand the need for Japanese people to eat Dolphin meat. Let me tell you something about Dolphin meat, it’s pretty disgusting stuff. No one really wants to eat it. It;s got lots of Mercury in it so it’s pretty unhealthy as well and most of it is passed of as Whale meat in the Japanese market, to get to be a bit more valuable and all most certainly people don’t want to eat Whale meat in Japan either and most of that end’s up as Dog food so that’s what we are really talking about here. All these animals are being killed largely to end up as Dog food. That’s an absolute disgrace.
and the actual killing of these animals; we know over the years that the Japanese have been ashamed. They have tried to hide it from the Public, putting tarpaulin, putting barriers in so that you can’t see what’s really going on. and trying to ensure; they say; that they kill these animals in a humane way. We no longer cut their throats they tell you, we no longer have the sea running red with the blood of these dead animals , no we take them out of the water in a humane way, we put them together then we stick spikes into their spinal cords and that kills them quickly we are told, well it doesn’t ! We know that scientists and veterinary experts will tell you, it takes about 7 minutes to kill a Dolphin like that in excruciating pain. Not only that, they do it in front of the other Dolphin’s that they’re killing too, these animals in such social groups and such intelligence are slaughtered in front of each other.
Now those slaughter methods would not be allowed in any slaughterhouse for a cow anywhere in the world but they are allowed in Japan to kill Dolphins which is an absolute disgrace. The actual value of one of those Dolphins is only about 600 dollars. If that was really all what this was worth it would all be over by now, no culture would keep that going, but there’s another darker side to this business that “Care for the Wild” and other charities have been focusing on and that’s the Marine Park and the Dolphinarium business.
They are buying Dolphins from Taiji. The pretty bottle-nose Dolphins that you may go and see in theme parks if you are stupid and ignorant enough not to think, are worth nearly 300,000 dollars each at the top of the market. Selling one of those Dolphin’s will bring in more money than any fisherman can earn in a year. and that’s what is keeping this whole slaughter going. Its not culture, it’s capitalism, it’s commercial greed in the blood of Dolphin’s and that greed is feeding the Marine Park business around the world.
Now all of us, I hope, have had a chance to see “BlackFish”. What a wonderful piece of work alongside “The Cove”. Brave Directors who have worked hard to produce a film that has really brought home the horror behind the scenes of the commercial glossy PR machines that is Seaworld. Now Seaworld will tell you, we’re not involved in the Taiji hunts and the Taiji drives, yes, but they are taking offspring from animals that are taken from Taiji so they are part of it and if Seaworld are successful then in the developing world and the United Arab Emirates, in Egypt, in South Korea and other places where there is a demand for more Marine Parks, and when they open up they’ve gotta find their Dolphin’s and they will be heading to Taiji Cove or the Solomon Islands or other parts of the world where they will round up these animals in this inhumane and disgusting way.
So all of us have to ask ourselves this question, why is it that these animals don’t have enough protection ? Why is it that we are able to exploit them for greed and put them in concrete jungle around the world ? Why is it in the so called modern civilized world we still want to see “Flipper” doing backdrops when we know that all his parents have been murdered and that he lives an inhumane life that is sending him gradually crazy in the most inhumane conditions in many parts of the world.
It’s no longer acceptable, It’s no longer acceptable that a developed rich country like Japan can get away with this. It’s no longer acceptable that the International community does nothing about it. So there are a number of things that must happen here. “CITES”, The international Framework of United Nations that actually does protect the trade endangered species needs to up-list Dolphins and needs to make sure that you can no longer take them from hunts like Taiji and put them into Marine Parks. That should be happening , there should be an international drive to make that happen. We need to know more about the numbers of Dolphin’s around our coastline and the pressure that they’re under. We know that fisherman are killing them, we know that we are killing them with boats, we know that their numbers are being impacted by pollution and climate change and there is no way that you can justify killing something like 20,000 a year in Japan without anyone taking a blind bit of notice.
I am pleased to see that Caroline Kennedy is the new Japanese Ambassador for the United States and has raised concerns. I am pleased to see that MP’s in the House of Commons are starting to debate and discuss this issue because people like you have raised it with them. I am pleased to see that Congressman Government in the United States are doing the same because people in America are angry, quite rightly angry about this too. But then Governments have got to take some tough decisions. If the Japanese keep slaughtering, they you have to start threatening them with Trade Sanctions, you’ve got to say to the Japanese, if you want to start importing your cars, your electronic products we’re going to put tariffs on them if you keep killing Dolphin’s. Are those Dolphin’s more valuable to you that your Nissan Car Business ? Or your Sony Electronics Business which is worth hundreds of billions of dollars a year ? no it isn’t ! That’s the only message they are going to understand that’s going to shut down this Business.
We’ve also got to have more regulation and control of these so called Marine Parks. The international framework for these organizations is highly abused. The so called International Aquarium Association has the Japanese body within it’s affiliate membership despite the fact they they say they are not in agreement with what goes on in Taiji Cove. We know the Japanese abuse the system at the International Whaling Commission (IWC) and that allows them to so called, kill Minke Whales in large numbers in the southern oceans under a loophole for so called scientific research. They dump that Whale-meat into the market. If they weren’t killing Whales in that way, the wouldn’t be passing Dolphin meat off as Whale meat either so we need to shut the loop hole in the International Whaling Commission and we need to stop the Japanese killing those Whales.
That’s quite right why the New Zealand Government and the Australian Government are taking Legal action against the Japanese Government in the Haig, I wish them well with that but at the same time we must have actions to protect Dolphins too, all of us have a responsibility for this. What you are doing here today is fantastic. This is civic society at it’s best. People giving up their time, coming together, designing their own posters, their Facebook sites and telling everyone they know that this is a disgusting mess.
Now the Police are telling us they might get upset if we show one of these gory pictures to a member of the Public, well don’t hold back, keep showing the gory pictures because the Japanese Government have been doing everything they can to keep those gory images away from everyone and its your responsibility, and all of our responsibility to get the truth out there.
You tell people how disgusting this trade is ! You tell them how brutal it is how these animals are slaughtered. You tell them what happens to these Dolphin’s that are taken away and put into Marine Parks. You tell them that it’s disgusting that they go to a Marine Park in Benidorm or Egypt or any part of the word without thinking about the consequences. The more we get that message out there, the more we can put a stop to this brutality. Thank you very much to the Dolphin Taiji Action Group here in the UK. Thank you very much to “Sea Shepard” who have done a fantastic job. Thank you to the brave people who are in Japan taking pictures, going down, despite the imitation, bullying and threats they take and please give your support to Charities like “Care for the Wild” because what we are doing to right tourism campaign is putting pressure on the International tourism business who act through the Travel Agency businesses to say that it’s no longer acceptable to be sending your tourists, your people to these Marine Parks. We are having that discussion with the airlines, with Virgin Holidays and other Businesses but we need your support.
The more support we can have, the more impact we can have. So we’ll get back on that street, we’ll make some bloody noise and we’ll male sure everyone’s going to listen to us. This disgusting slaughter will stop but it will stop because we’ll shame Japan, and we’ll shame the international community to stop it for good and this world will be a better place without it. Thank you very much.
Taiji, let them be !
Taiji, let them be !
Taiji, let them be !
Taiji, let them be !
Taiji, let them be !
Taiji, let them be !
Taiji, let them be !
Taiji, let them be !
Stop the slaughter in the water ! Free the Dolphins of Taiji !
Stand up for the voiceless ones !
Stand up for the voiceless ones !

©℗ 2015 FISHINABOX (All rights reserved)
Vocalists: Andie Handei Kumafaro, Kitty Kat, 旅する写真家
Percussion: Andie Handei Kumafaro (Drum Programming)
Electronics/Synth: Andie Handei Kumafaro (Synth Programming, Electronica)
DJ Skyaaz (Scratching, Turntables)
Scripting / Lyrics / Translations: Andie Handei Kumafaro, Kitty Kat, 旅する写真家
Art and Visualisation: Andie Handei Kumafaro (Concept, visualization, digital art, Storyboard)
London DEMONSTRATION live Speeches and Interviews with Kind Permission of Dominic Dyer (Care for the Wild), The Carnival Demo March Against Taiji Dolphin Slaughter, Kate Garner and 365 Vegans.
originalmaja__whales-vs / naught101__phase-whale-drop / Kevoy Sounds / Davidou Sounds / Tritus Whale / Felix Blume / mjudo12 FreeWilly (All Samples Modified for pitch , depth and echo)
http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/