ニュース – ジャパン : 太地町 – Japanese News Report TAIJI COVE: PREVIEW LINK

2009年に公開された”The Cove”は、オスカー賞に値するくらい素晴らしい映画でした。しかし、既にその公開から5年が経ち、私達の映画の記憶も薄れてきてしまいました。その中で、私達はこのイルカに対する絶対的な侮辱でしかない暴力を忘れずに、世界中のメディアにおける論点としてとどめ続けなければなりません。
太地町で今起きていることは、自然を大切にし、イルカのような知性の高い動物の保護や未来を考えている私達全員に影響を与えています。私がお伝えした通り、日本で毎年20,000頭ものイルカが殺されている中、そのうち2,000から3,000頭が太地湾でその生涯を終えます。 太地町については、様々な問題が取り沙汰されており、土着文化についてもたくさんの議論がなされています。先ほど、道端で会った友人が日本人は何故イルカ肉を食べる必要があるか全く理解できないのだから、我々はテロリストだと言っていました。イルカ肉はとても気味が悪く、誰も食べたいと思うようなものではありません。また、水銀も含まれていることから、体にもよくありません。そしてそのほとんどが、クジラ肉として日本の市場に出回っています。日本でも誰かがイルカ肉を食べたがるとは到底思えず、そのほとんどが犬の餌になってしまっているでしょう。これこそ、私達が伝えたいことなのです。殺されたイルカたちのほとんどが犬の餌へと姿を変えてしまっている。これは侮辱以外の何ものでもありません。
そしてその処刑方法は日本でさえもきまり悪く感じる程のものであることを、私達は、既に知っています。日本が防水シートや、バリアを使い、本当に起きていることから、公衆の目をそらそうとしていることも。それでも、彼らは、イルカ達が人道的な方法で殺されるよう努めると宣言しているのです。もう動物たちの首を切ったりしない、海を血でそめたりしないと。その代わり、彼らは人道的方法でイルカを水揚げした後、(真実とは異なるものの)死ぬまでの時間が短くて済むという理由だけで、ぞれぞれの個体の脊髄に刺を刺し、殺そうとしています。科学者や動物学者等の専門家によれば、そのような屠殺方法では、イルカたちは本当に死ぬまで想像を絶する痛みに7分間も耐えなければならないのです。それだけに留まらず、 捕獲されたイルカ達はこのような光景を目の当たりにしなければならないのです。社会的で知性の高いイルカ達が、仲間の殺されていく姿を目の当たりにしているのです。
このような屠殺方法は、世界中のどの牛舎でも行われていないのに、日本ではイルカに対して行うことが許されています。全くの侮辱です。こうして殺されていったイルカ達は一頭あたり600米ドル程の金額で取引されています。 もしもこれだけであれば、未だにイルカ漁を続けているような地域は存在しないでしょう。しかし、実はそこには慈善団体が注力し、自然愛の革を被った水族館やイルカ園といった、もう一つのビジネスが存在しているのです。
映画ブラックフィッシュ(Blackfish)はご覧になりましたでしょうか。ザ・コーブ(The Cove)に並ぶ素晴らしい作品でした。本作品の監督は、勇敢にもSeaworld(在フロリダ)が世に送り出す綺麗事の宣伝文句の裏側に潜む、戦慄の様相を世界の人々に届けることに尽力していました。今後Seaworldは、彼らが飼っている生き物たちは太地湾と関係が無いと言い始めることでしょう。しかし、太地湾に住んでいた動物たちの子孫を引き取っているということに何の違いがあるのでしょうか。万が一Seaworldがこの事態をやり抜けることができたとしたとしても、アラブ首長国やエジプト、韓国といった 今後更に動物園への需要が高まることが予想される準先進各国は、どこからかイルカを見つけてこなければならないのです。そして最終的には、太地湾や、ソロモン諸島などのイルカの生息地へ向かい、非人道的で気味の悪い方法をとるのです。
そのような事態に直面している私達の心には、なぜ海洋動物達の保護は不十分なのだろう、なぜ私達だけただ欲望のために動物を搾取して、世界中の都市に連れて行くことが許されているのだろうという疑問が当然浮かびあがってきます。なぜ現代文明社会呼ばれる世界に住む私達が、イルカのフリッパーが後ろ宙返りをするのを見たいと思うのでしょうか。 私達 は、彼の両親が殺され、彼自身や世界中の仲間たちが非人道的な環境で除々に狂っていくようなひどい一生を送ることを知っておきながら、なぜそう思えるのでしょうか。
このような現状はもう受け入れることはできません。日本のような豊かな先進国が何の裁きも受けずにやり過ごそうとしている現状を受け入れることができません。 そして、国際社会がそれに対して何の対策も取っていないという事実を受け入れることができません。何かが起きなければいけません。「CITES( Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora=絶滅のおそれのある野生動植物の種の国際取引に関する条約 )」は、絶滅危惧種の保護に役立っていますが、そのリストにイルカを加え、水族館へと運ばれていく太地湾のイルカ達についても保護していく必要があります。このような動きは既になされているべきであり、もしそうでなければ、世界中でその実現に向けた努力がなされているべきです。私達は、海岸線沿いに住むイルカ達がいったい何頭いて、どのような脅威にさらされているのかということについてもっと知らなければなりません。ただ、それでも私達は、漁師や船舶、海水汚染や気候変動の影響でたくさんのイルカが死に至っている事実を前に、日本では毎年2万頭という数のイルカ達が少しの気も払われずに殺されていることを正当化することはできません。
私は、キャロライン・ケネディが在日アメリカ合衆国大使に着任後、本問題を取り上げている姿を見て、嬉しく思いました。 また、私は、あなた方が問題提起をしたお陰で、下院議員もこの問題について議論を始めたことを嬉しく思いました。そして、私は、アメリカ連邦議会でも怒れる市民の影響を受けて、同様の事態が起きていることを大変喜ばしく感じています。しかしそんな中、各国政府は厳しい選択を迫られています。もしも、日本がこのまま殺りくを続けるならば、経済制裁で対応しなければなりません。そして日本に対して、イルカを殺し続けるならば、車や家電製品といった日本からの輸入物には、多額の関税をかけると言ってのけなければなりません。あのイルカ達よりも、日産の方が大切なのでしょうか?年10億ドルものビジネスを扱うソニーの方が大事でしょうか?そんなはずがありません。こんなメッセージだけが、日本人の心に届き、結果的に現状を変えることに繋がっていくのです。
水族館についても、数多くの同様な規制や条例がありますが、そのうちの幾つかは何の役にも立っていません。世界水族館協会には日本が会員として所属しながら、太地湾で起こっている事態に対して遺憾の意を表明しています。 私達は、IWC(International Whaling Commission=国際捕鯨委員会)でも、日本がそのシステムの穴を見つけ出し、「科学的調査」の一環として、南極に住むミンククジラを大量に殺していながら、その事実が黙認されていることを知っています。そして、ミンククジラの肉は市場へとなげこまれていくのです。そうでなければ、イルカの肉がクジラ肉として販売されるわけがありません。私達はIWCのどこかにある抜け穴を閉じ、日本で起きているクジラ・イルカ殺しを止めなければなりません。
イルカビジネスがどんなにうんざりすることか、そして動物たちがどんなに残忍な方法で殺されているかを世に伝えましょう。そして、ベニドルムやエジプト等世界各地の水族館に無計画に連れて行かれるイルカ達の悲惨な現状について情報を発信しましょう。たくさんの声が集まるほど、この殺りくを止める力が増して行きます。The Dolphin Taiji Action Group(イギリス)の皆さん、有難うございます。素晴らしい活動をしているSea Shepardの皆さん、ありがとうございます。日本で、嘘や嫌がらせ、脅しを受けながらも写真を撮り続けている勇敢な方々、有難うございます。どうか、Care for the Wildのような慈善団体にもそのサポートを提供してください。 そうすることで、旅行代理店を通じて活動を続ける、全世界の観光業界に対して、観光客や世界各地の人々を水族館へ案内することはもう耐えられないというプレシャーをかけることができ、観光キャンペーンをあるべき姿へと変えることができます。私達は、ヴァージンホリデイを始めとする航空会社とも議論を行っておりますが、私達には皆様のサポートが必要なのです。
Taiji, set them free, Taiji Set them free
Taiji, let them be, Taiji let them be
We will speak up. We will be counted. We will fight to protect the future for these animals. All of you must remember that. All of you must keep telling your friends that they must keep fighting for this cause as well.
Do any of you believe for a moment that this campaign is not making any difference ? No , you know it is. You know that we are winning this heart’s and minds battle. I meet children everyday who tell me that they will no longer go to marine parks like Seaworld. When they grow up and have children themselves they won’t take their children to see either, look a few months ago you would have seen Ric O Barry here, he will be back in Brighton in the middle of March for whalefest again coming to Britain because as a campaigner who’s been right on this issue for over 40 years, that now the center of activity against this horrible trade is here in Britain so please keep fighting this cause, please keep fighting, remember this is not about Animal Rights, it is about Human Wrongs. It is not about Animal Rights, it is about Human Wrongs and one day we will learn that we will be judged as a civilization by the way we treat the animals around us. These animals are intelligent, they are gentle, they are wonderful creatures, they do us no harm and we have no right to harm them. we have no right to harm them. we have no right to harm them. we have no right to harm them. we have no right to harm them. (fades out)

English Version Translation:
Radio feedback and interference – Ummm,,, tastes so good / The Taiji Butchers have brought great Shame upon Japan / It has always been this way, since a child i have eaten Dolphin Meat……
These are the Arguments being raised by the West against the hunting of Dolphin’s in Japan.
Now Dolphin’s around the world are under pressure like never before. Because of pollution, because of fishing, because of climate change. We’re not certain of what population numbers we can have; we know that they are falling rapidly and that they are highly endangered in many parts of the world yet they have no proper legal protection whatsoever, be it in national countries like Japan, or International agreements such as “CITES” and that is not right. The way that these animals are killed, the way that no one is keeping track of the impact on their numbers is an absolute disgrace. and the fact that the Japanese Government think they can get away with this and that the rest of the world will fall silent is not going to happen anymore.
What I am really pleased about, is that this issue is back on the top of the Media agenda again but its not on the top of the Media agenda because of the newspapers and the television. It’s because of people like you here in the cities around the world and because of the growing power of social media; because your’e putting it on Twitter, your’e putting it on Facebook, your’e getting angry, your forcing Al Jazeera and the BBC to get this back on our television screens to tell us the real horror that is going on in Taiji and the other parts of Japan as well. We know that “The Cove” in 2009 was a great film, we know it deserved and Oscar but it’s now 5 years ago and memories are very short and all of us here must keep this on the global media agenda because this is an absolute disgrace.
Now what happens in Taiji impacts all of us, all of us who care about wildlife, all of us who care about the future and protection of intelligent animals like Dolphins. As I said, over 20,000 of these animals are killed of the Japanese coast every year, nearly 2, to 2 and a half thousand of them are killed in Taiji Cove. Now there are many issues around Taiji. Lot’s of discussion about culture and we saw our friend on the road earlier who said we are all terrorists because we do not understand the need for Japanese people to eat Dolphin meat. Let me tell you something about Dolphin meat, it’s pretty disgusting stuff. No one really wants to eat it. It;s got lots of Mercury in it so it’s pretty unhealthy as well and most of it is passed of as Whale meat in the Japanese market, to get to be a bit more valuable and all most certainly people don’t want to eat Whale meat in Japan either and most of that end’s up as Dog food so that’s what we are really talking about here. All these animals are being killed largely to end up as Dog food. That’s an absolute disgrace.
and the actual killing of these animals; we know over the years that the Japanese have been ashamed. They have tried to hide it from the Public, putting tarpaulin, putting barriers in so that you can’t see what’s really going on. and trying to ensure; they say; that they kill these animals in a humane way. We no longer cut their throats they tell you, we no longer have the sea running red with the blood of these dead animals , no we take them out of the water in a humane way, we put them together then we stick spikes into their spinal cords and that kills them quickly we are told, well it doesn’t ! We know that scientists and veterinary experts will tell you, it takes about 7 minutes to kill a Dolphin like that in excruciating pain. Not only that, they do it in front of the other Dolphin’s that they’re killing too, these animals in such social groups and such intelligence are slaughtered in front of each other.
Now those slaughter methods would not be allowed in any slaughterhouse for a cow anywhere in the world but they are allowed in Japan to kill Dolphins which is an absolute disgrace. The actual value of one of those Dolphins is only about 600 dollars. If that was really all what this was worth it would all be over by now, no culture would keep that going, but there’s another darker side to this business that “Care for the Wild” and other charities have been focusing on and that’s the Marine Park and the Dolphinarium business.
They are buying Dolphins from Taiji. The pretty bottle-nose Dolphins that you may go and see in theme parks if you are stupid and ignorant enough not to think, are worth nearly 300,000 dollars each at the top of the market. Selling one of those Dolphin’s will bring in more money than any fisherman can earn in a year. and that’s what is keeping this whole slaughter going. Its not culture, it’s capitalism, it’s commercial greed in the blood of Dolphin’s and that greed is feeding the Marine Park business around the world.
Now all of us, I hope, have had a chance to see “BlackFish”. What a wonderful piece of work alongside “The Cove”. Brave Directors who have worked hard to produce a film that has really brought home the horror behind the scenes of the commercial glossy PR machines that is Seaworld. Now Seaworld will tell you, we’re not involved in the Taiji hunts and the Taiji drives, yes, but they are taking offspring from animals that are taken from Taiji so they are part of it and if Seaworld are successful then in the developing world and the United Arab Emirates, in Egypt, in South Korea and other places where there is a demand for more Marine Parks, and when they open up they’ve gotta find their Dolphin’s and they will be heading to Taiji Cove or the Solomon Islands or other parts of the world where they will round up these animals in this inhumane and disgusting way.
So all of us have to ask ourselves this question, why is it that these animals don’t have enough protection ? Why is it that we are able to exploit them for greed and put them in concrete jungle around the world ? Why is it in the so called modern civilized world we still want to see “Flipper” doing backdrops when we know that all his parents have been murdered and that he lives an inhumane life that is sending him gradually crazy in the most inhumane conditions in many parts of the world.
It’s no longer acceptable, It’s no longer acceptable that a developed rich country like Japan can get away with this. It’s no longer acceptable that the International community does nothing about it. So there are a number of things that must happen here. “CITES”, The international Framework of United Nations that actually does protect the trade endangered species needs to up-list Dolphins and needs to make sure that you can no longer take them from hunts like Taiji and put them into Marine Parks. That should be happening , there should be an international drive to make that happen. We need to know more about the numbers of Dolphin’s around our coastline and the pressure that they’re under. We know that fisherman are killing them, we know that we are killing them with boats, we know that their numbers are being impacted by pollution and climate change and there is no way that you can justify killing something like 20,000 a year in Japan without anyone taking a blind bit of notice.
I am pleased to see that Caroline Kennedy is the new Japanese Ambassador for the United States and has raised concerns. I am pleased to see that MP’s in the House of Commons are starting to debate and discuss this issue because people like you have raised it with them. I am pleased to see that Congressman Government in the United States are doing the same because people in America are angry, quite rightly angry about this too. But then Governments have got to take some tough decisions. If the Japanese keep slaughtering, they you have to start threatening them with Trade Sanctions, you’ve got to say to the Japanese, if you want to start importing your cars, your electronic products we’re going to put tariffs on them if you keep killing Dolphin’s. Are those Dolphin’s more valuable to you that your Nissan Car Business ? Or your Sony Electronics Business which is worth hundreds of billions of dollars a year ? no it isn’t ! That’s the only message they are going to understand that’s going to shut down this Business.
We’ve also got to have more regulation and control of these so called Marine Parks. The international framework for these organizations is highly abused. The so called International Aquarium Association has the Japanese body within it’s affiliate membership despite the fact they they say they are not in agreement with what goes on in Taiji Cove. We know the Japanese abuse the system at the International Whaling Commission (IWC) and that allows them to so called, kill Minke Whales in large numbers in the southern oceans under a loophole for so called scientific research. They dump that Whale-meat into the market. If they weren’t killing Whales in that way, the wouldn’t be passing Dolphin meat off as Whale meat either so we need to shut the loop hole in the International Whaling Commission and we need to stop the Japanese killing those Whales.
That’s quite right why the New Zealand Government and the Australian Government are taking Legal action against the Japanese Government in the Haig, I wish them well with that but at the same time we must have actions to protect Dolphins too, all of us have a responsibility for this. What you are doing here today is fantastic. This is civic society at it’s best. People giving up their time, coming together, designing their own posters, their Facebook sites and telling everyone they know that this is a disgusting mess.
Now the Police are telling us they might get upset if we show one of these gory pictures to a member of the Public, well don’t hold back, keep showing the gory pictures because the Japanese Government have been doing everything they can to keep those gory images away from everyone and its your responsibility, and all of our responsibility to get the truth out there.
You tell people how disgusting this trade is ! You tell them how brutal it is how these animals are slaughtered. You tell them what happens to these Dolphin’s that are taken away and put into Marine Parks. You tell them that it’s disgusting that they go to a Marine Park in Benidorm or Egypt or any part of the word without thinking about the consequences. The more we get that message out there, the more we can put a stop to this brutality. Thank you very much to the Dolphin Taiji Action Group here in the UK. Thank you very much to “Sea Shepard” who have done a fantastic job. Thank you to the brave people who are in Japan taking pictures, going down, despite the imitation, bullying and threats they take and please give your support to Charities like “Care for the Wild” because what we are doing to right tourism campaign is putting pressure on the International tourism business who act through the Travel Agency businesses to say that it’s no longer acceptable to be sending your tourists, your people to these Marine Parks. We are having that discussion with the airlines, with Virgin Holidays and other Businesses but we need your support.
The more support we can have, the more impact we can have. So we’ll get back on that street, we’ll make some bloody noise and we’ll male sure everyone’s going to listen to us. This disgusting slaughter will stop but it will stop because we’ll shame Japan, and we’ll shame the international community to stop it for good and this world will be a better place without it. Thank you very much.
Taiji, set them free, Taiji Set them free
These are the Arguments being raised by the West against the hunting of Dolphin’s in Japan.
Taiji, let them be, Taiji let them be
These are the Arguments being raised by the West against the hunting of Dolphin’s in Japan.
We will speak up. We will be counted. We will fight to protect the future for these animals. All of you must remember that. All of you must keep telling your friends that they must keep fighting for this cause as well.
Do any of you believe for a moment that this campaign is not making any difference ? No , you know it is. You know that we are winning this heart’s and minds battle. I meet children everyday who tell me that they will no longer go to marine parks like Seaworld. When they grow up and have children themselves they won’t take their children to see either, look a few months ago you would have seen Ric O Barry here, he will be back in Brighton in the middle of March for whalefest again coming to Britain because as a campaigner who’s been right on this issue for over 40 years, that now the center of activity against this horrible trade is here in Britain so please keep fighting this cause, please keep fighting, remember this is not about Animal Rights, it is about Human Wrongs. It is not about Animal Rights, it is about Human Wrongs and one day we will learn that we will be judged as a civilization by the way we treat the animals around us. These animals are intelligent, they are gentle, they are wonderful creatures, they do us no harm and we have no right to harm them. we have no right to harm them. we have no right to harm them. we have no right to harm them. we have no right to harm them. (fades out)
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