PILLAR OF CLOUDS اعمدة الغيوم Gaza Exposé E.P.
This Album project focuses on the Policy or Rocket attack responses into the Gaza Strip. Drawing its title for the 2012 campaign and following the attacks through to 2014 under Operation Protective edge.
The Album , in the context of highlighting real stories from the Strip, probes and questions the reasons for the rocket attack responses and looks at both Israeli and Gazan responses to the attacks. The Album though highlighting the plight of victims of war, is not a judgement over the campaign, judgement for or against is for listeners on the project to pass not FISHINABOX. The sold intention of the project is to raise pertinent questions over the “why” and document the effects of the campaign on real lives that has largely been ignored by mainstream media.
The Album has been the subject of some controversy over content and as such has had to meet some restrictions to satisfy all parties connected to, active in, and reporting on the crisis.
With all that in mind FISHINABOX have condensed and represented the various angles of the debate that are , in places unpopular and contested in the political arena, yet the information available to the listener looking to look further into the issue is fully available to the inquiring public online. We invite you to explore the stories and issues raised further.
No matter what designs are being perpetrated as “the good , the future of the strip”.
Lives are at stake and generations of innocent people are on the receiving end of the greater plan for the region. This is , at all levels, unacceptable.
Listen to the project, hear the arguments and engage in a simple ethical choice: “fight war NOT wars”.

01. PILLAR OF CLOUDS – ( Run for Cover Extended Mix) A Song for Gaza اعمدة الغيوم – اغنية من اجل غزة
How can there be peace when there is no respect for Human life, Israel , How can there be peace targeting with proportionality ? 1 rocket fired into Israel earns 100 hundred returned ?
كيف من الممكن ان يكون هناك سلام عندما لايوجد حُرمة لحياةِ الانسان, اسرائيل, كيف من الممكن ان يكون مقترناً مع هدف السلام ؟ صاروخ واحد يطلق نحو اسرائيل يستحق مئةً بالمقابل ؟
Why do you pull the whiskers of the cat Hamas, when your rockets are fired from trucks parked outside our schools and hospitals ?
لماذا تنزع شعيرات شارب القط حماس, عندما تُطلق صورايخك من شاحنات متوقفة خارج مدارسنا و مشافينا.
Mossad, shame on your “convenience” so “all seeing” yet unwilling to tell the difference between a fighter and a child.
أيها الموساد عار على ” راحة بالكم ” اذاً ” كل ما ترون ” الى الآن غير راغبين بالقول ما الفرق بين المقاتل والطفل .
When a hammer (HALMUTH – jewish judges hammer) strikes on wood all nails will lift in defiance.
عندما هالموث ” مطرقة القاضي عند اليهود ” تضرب على الخشب كل المسامير سوف تُرفع في تحدٍ.
When a hammer (HALMUTH – jewish judges hammer) strikes on wood, all nails will lift in defiance.
عندما هالموث ” مطرقة القاضي عند اليهود ” تضرب على الخشب كل المسامير سوف تُرفع في تحدٍ.
When a hammer (HALMUTH – jewish judges hammer) strikes on wood, all nails will lift in defiance.
عندما هالموث ” مطرقة القاضي عند اليهود ” تضرب على الخشب كل المسامير سوف تُرفع في تحدٍ.
الحرب الشاملة الاسرائيلية قد انطلقت البارحة ضد المدنيين الفلسطينين في غزة. الحرب قد اُعلنت من قبل اسرائيل كعملية عسكرية مُتحذةَ الاسم التوراتي ” عمود من الغيوم “. حتى الآن, 15 فلسطينياَ قتلوا منهم 8 مدنيين ضمنهم 5 اطفال, ثلاثة نساء و رجل مسن. الجيش الاسرائيلي قد اطلق 160 غارة جوية من الجو, الارض والقوات البحرية. ردت الفصائل المسلجة الفلسطينية على الهجمات الاسرائيلية المكثفة واللتي خلفت كذالك اصابات جسدية ل 100 فلسطيني. حالة الخوف والرعب انتشرت في غزة حيث اصابت الاطفال بالصدمات النفسية.
An Israeli full-scale war was launched yesterday against Palestinian civilians in Gaza. The war was announced by Israel to be as a military operation that took a biblical name “Pillar of the Clouds”.
So far, 15 Palestinians killed whom of which 8 civilians including 5 children, three women and an old man. Israeli army launched a number of 160 air raids from Air, Ground and Naval forces. Palestinian armed factions retaliated to heavy Israeli attacks which also left 100 Palestinians physically wounded. A status of fear and panic spread across Gaza where children are caught in Trauma.
العشرات من الاطفال الفلسطينين قد جُلِبوا الى المشافي في شمال وجنوب غزة. وأكد مراسل فلسطين تلغراف في غزة أن الإمدادات الغذائية أصبحت شحيحة في غزة. الناس في في خوف من هجوم بري مقرر. رانيا,22,قالت “نحن في خوف من القصف الاسرائيلي. ابن عمي قد قُتل محاولاَ الخروج ليشتري الخبز. غزة تبدو كمدينة اشباح.” كما شرحت ايضاَ كيف ان عائلتها في خوف شديد ورعب. مراكز الشرطة, المدارس,والمنازل قد دُمِرت بِفِعل القصف الاسرائيلي بطيارات اف 16 على قطاع غزة. في الوقت الحالي, أطلقت الفصائل الفلسطينية عشرات الصواريخ في عمل من أعمال الدفاع عن النفس كما يقصف اسرائيل بلدات ومدن غزة. القيادة الإسرائيلية تعهدت بمواصلة الهجمات على غزة حيث أُعطيت الضوء الأخضر من قبل الولايات المتحدة والاتحاد الأوروبي وحكومات أخرى. أعربت الحكومة البريطانية عن قلقها إزاء تصاعد الأحداث. كما حَمَلَت حماس المسؤولية عن الحرب الأخيرة. ومع ذلك، تسلسل الأحداث يشير إلى أن إسرائيل بدأت الحرب في وقت مبكر من 8 نوفمبر عندما قتلت طفلاَ فلسطينياَ لديه من العمر 11. أعلنت حكومة حماس في غزة أن رئيس الوزراء المصري، هشام قنديل،
Dozens of Palestinian children were brought to hospitals in north and south Gaza. Palestine
Telegraph reporter in Gaza confirmed that food supplies became scarce in Gaza. People are in fear that a ground invasion is due. Rania, 22, said that are in fear of Israeli bombing. That cousin’s were killed as they tried to go out to buy bread, that Gaza now seems like ghost town. She also described that her family is in great fear and panic. Police stations, schools and houses were destroyed in Israeli F16 bombings across the Gaza strip. For the meantime, Palestinian factions fired dozens of rockets in act of self-defence as Israel bombards Gaza towns and cities. Israeli leadership vows to continue the attacks against Gaza as the green light was given by the US, EU and other governments. British government expressed its concern about the escalated events. It also held Hamas responsible of the recent war. However, chronological order of the events indicates that Israel initiated the war as early as 8th of November when it killed a Palestinian child aged 11. Hamas government in Gaza announced that Egyptian prime minister, Hisham Qandil.

02. ISRAEL RESPONDS – עַמּוּד עָנָן
what do they want ? I tell you what they want they want to die and take us with them., there’s nothing more to it than that. How much further do the Israeli people have to bend over for these people ? if its not Buss attacks its the endless tunnels under the border. Our foundations shift from the endless digging.…
for what ? what are they moles ?
They do it to attack us, that’s what they live for, it’s not human rights it’s all about wrongs and because we don’t just sit back and take it the international press are up in arms.
Take a few rockets in your back yard and see how you respond.
Though do the ends justify the means ?, They do it to attack us.
As for those rocket attacks,…… Take a few rockets in your back yard and see how you respond.
Though do the ends justify the means ?
Though do the ends justify the means ?, They do it to attack us.
Take a few rockets in your back yard and see how you respond
The bombing campaign started in 2012 under the code name “עַמּוּד עָנָן “ literally “Pillar of Cloud” that set a precedent in rocket warfare response never before seen in military combat. The premise that for every one rocket falling into Israel, a response of 100 hundred rockets would be sent in return.
The Pillar of Clouds campaign was so named referencing the manifestation of the God of Israel in the Torah, the five books of Moses which appear at the beginning of the Old Testament Bible. According to “Exodus”, the Pillar of Cloud guided the Israelites by day during the Exodus from Eygpt. The Pillar of Cloud is traditionally paired with the divine presence by night as a Pillar of Fire which provided a guiding light.
The Pillar of Cloud defence has become a blueprint in the region and was applied again, to a lesser degree in 2014 under Operation Protective Edge. In the Gaza Strip the missile campaign left over 2,000 Gazans killed and an excess of 10,000 wounded including 3,300 children of whom 75% have been permanently disabled.
The Hamas missile campaign claimed 67 Israeli civilians of which 5 were children and 467 IDF members in the combat and missile fall out zone
Though do the ends justify the means ?
Though do the ends justify the means ?
The Gaza Health Ministry, UN and some Human Rights Groups reported that 75% of the Palestinian Casualties were civilians. Israeli officials estimated that around 50% of those killed were civilians. Israel creates a case for military response though do the ends justify the means ?
Does an eye for an eye leave the whole world blind ?
Do, do ,do the ends justify the means ? They do it to attack us !
Do, do ,do the ends justify the means ? What are they moles ?
Does an eye, eye . An eye, eye, for an eye leave the whole world blind ?
Though do the ends justify the means ?
Though do the ends justify the means ?
Blind, Blind
Though do the ends justify the means ?
Blind, Blind
Though do the ends justify the means ?
Though do the ends justify the means ?
Blind, Blind
Though do the ends justify the means ?
Blind, Blind
Though do the ends justify the means ?
Blind, Blind
Though do the ends justify the means ? What are they moles ?
Though do the ends justify the means ? Does an eye for an eye leave the whole world blind ?
Well, the Shelter is so far sometimes we just stop at friends on the 2nd floor on the way down and stay there. Sometimes we catch them with curlers in their hair or in their dressing gowns.
Then we all sit around waiting for the “boom”,. did you hear the “boom” , i heard the “boom” ,. did you hear the “boom” ?
Ok a “boom”
I don’t really see why we even bother to try to get to the shelters, The Iron Dome knocks out nearly all the Hamas missiles anyway and the News reported one that got missed was batted out to sea by a gust of wind and exploded in the water.
You see we have the Hand of God, the Hand of God watching over us.
We make light of the problem. it is true but we are nervous, the Sirens ring in your ears for hours and when we hear that someone has lost an eye or be caught by some debris it worries us.
We don’t want to make light of the conflict itself, or of what we here about the real suffering, Yes Yes, it causes innocent civilians here and over the other side of the green line and frankly we would rather have nothing to do with it, to be left to live out our everyday lives , but when the sirens wail, when they see the “boom” then people, most of them, maybe all of them even, thank God for the Security Forces quick response to attacks and hope they will be ever watchful against these trigger happy fanatics.
Why a civilized country should have to be put under this stress ?
We have children here, school parties that have to wait and line up at the shelters. It is just not a good way of life for them to have to experience. really. what do you say ? you understand the problem ? hummm ?

03. TRAUMA صدمة نفسية
قصة :01
Standing in the rubble of his parents’ house Zaki walks around the perimeter of what was once the living room. His search to bring the bodies together for proper burial is endless.
واقف زكي ع انقاض دارهم, يحوم باللي كان بيوم من الايام غرفة القعدة. ع طوال الوقت يدور على اشلاء الجثث حتى يجمعهم ببعض ويدفنهم
They have to be here somewhere. Every day. Working mostly alone, lifting a shredded mattresses, discarded clothing, a bicycle frame brick and concrete block by block .He worries because the attacked happened at night,. His family were not declared martyrs
لازم يكونو هون بشي مكان كل يوم. بيشتغل لحالو, بيرفع الفرش, الخرق واللباس الممزق, دولاب سيكل وطوب من السمنت طوبة ورا طوبة. كان قلقان لان الهجوم صار بالليل. بعد ماحكو انو اهلو اسشهدو
The Remains of 8 people , two small brothers, mother, grandparents, two sisters and the little niece. Zaki, is still searching for a head. So far he has found only 13 legs, with small and large feet. He hopes that if he can assemble the bodies and arrange for Kafan then they will accept for al-proper burial.
اشلاء 8 اشخاص, خوه التنين, امه, جدينوه, خواته التنتين و بنت اختوه . زكي لساه بيدور على راس. لهلق شاف بس 13 رجل, مع قدم صغيرة وكبيرة. املو انو يحسن يجمع الجثث ويحضر الكفن عشان يقدر يدفنهم بطريقة كويسة.
Grandfather keep a small Olive Grove , there was no wall as people like to shade themselves under the tree so he marked the boundary of the land with flower pots. Because sometimes lovers came secretly to the grove a gang of young teenagers used to smash the pots and hurl insults and Grandfather used to chase them from the grove with a stick.
الجد عندو بستان صغير من الزيتون, ماكان في سور, الناس تحب تتفيا تحت الشجر عشان هيك هوه حط حدود للارض من حواض الورد.لانو احيانا العشاق كانو يجو للبستان و شلة من الولاد تكسر هل الاحواض وترميها والجد كان عطول يلحقهم بالبستان وهو حامل عصايتو .
On the Friday when the rockets fell , Grandfather didn’t need to chase the boys from the Grove, nor the Saturday or the week after. Each day he would come out with stick ready until on hearing the news that the boys had been killed during the rocket strike, dropped sobbing to the ground letting the stick fall and holding his head in his hands cried out to God to restore them to life, that if they were restored he would let them come and smash the pots every day just for them to live again. The Olive grove was watered with tears that day.
يوم الجمعة وقت نزل الصاروخ, ماكان في داعي لحتى يلحق الجد الولاد بالبستان, ولاحتى يوم السبت او حتى بالاسبوع اللي بعدو. كل يوم كان بدو يطلع لبرا بعصايتو حتى سمع خبر انو الولاد انقتلو بالصاروخ, وقع ع الارض وهو عبيبكي ترك عصايتو تقع ع الارض وحط ايديه على راسو وصرخ يالله رجعهم احياء, اذا رجعو رح خليهم يجو ويكسرو احواض الورد كل يوم بس مشان يرجعو يعيشو من جديد. شجرة الزيتون انسقت بالدموع بهداك اليوم .
قصة : 03
Rachel a 23 year old American activist, had gone out to Gaza to protest land reforms and fight against the Isreali Housing programme. Her group had been holding up tanks and bulldozers all morning in Hi Es Salam, Rafah. Other foreigners who were with her said the driver of the bulldozer was aware that Rachel was there, and continued to destroy the houses.
ريتشل, ناشطة اميركية عمرها 23, اجت ع غزة عشان تحتج على تسوية الاراضي عشان مشروع اقامة المستوطنات. جماعتها كانت بتحاول تأخر الدبابات والبلدوزرات طول الصبح ب حي السالم , برفح. اجانب تانين كانو معاها قالو انو سائق البلدوزر بيعرف انو ريتشل كانت هناك, وكمل تدمير البيوت.
Rachel a 23 year old American activist, had gone out to Gaza to protest land reforms and fight against the Isreali Housing programme. Her group had been holding up tanks and bulldozers all morning in Hi Es Salam, Rafah. Other foreigners who were with her said the driver of the bulldozer was aware that Rachel was there, and continued to destroy the houses.
ريتشل, ناشطة اميركية عمرها 23, اجت ع غزة عشان تحتج على تسوية الاراضي عشان مشروع اقامة المستوطنات. جماعتها كانت بتحاول تأخر الدبابات والبلدوزرات طول الصبح ب حي السالم , برفح. اجانب تانين كانو معاها قالو انو سائق البلدوزر بيعرف انو ريتشل كانت هناك, وكمل تدمير البيوت.
Rachel had engaged the Bulldozers attention with a megaphone. At first he just he dropped sand and other heavy debris on her to drive out of the demolition zone but then took matters further by using the bulldozer to push her to the ground and twice drive over her. Both arms, legs and skull were fractured. She was transferred out of the demolition zone to hospital, where she later died. The demolitions continued on schedule, though has been since questioned as illegal.
ريتشل خلت سائق البلدوزر ينتبهلها عن طريق مكبر الصوت. بالاول رمى عليها الرمل وانقاض وحطام حتى يقلعها من موقع الهدم بس الامور وصلت لمنحى تاني وقت استخدمو البلدوزر عشان يوقعوها ع الارض ويدعس عليها مرتين. ايديها, رجليها وراسها تكسرو. اخدوها براة موقع الهدم للمشفى, بعدين هنيك ماتت. الهدم استمر بجدولو, مع انو بهداك الوقت شككو بعدم شرعيتها.
How can there be peace when there is no respect for Human life, Israel , How can there be peace targeting with proportionality ? 1 rocket fired into Israel earns 100 hundred returned ?
كيف من الممكن ان يكون هناك سلام عندما لايوجد حُرمة لحياةِ الانسان, اسرائيل, كيف من الممكن ان يكون مقترناً مع هدف السلام ؟ صاروخ واحد يطلق نحو اسرائيل يستحق مئةً بالمقابل ؟

04. LAMENT الانقباضية
Why are they doing this to us ? oh Israel , Why ? ليش بتساوو فينا هيك يا الجيش الاسرائيلي
Why are they doing this to us ? oh Israel , Why ? ليش بتساوو فينا هيك يا الجيش الاسرائيلي
Why are they doing this to us ? oh Israel , Why ? ليش بتساوو فينا هيك يا الجيش الاسرائيلي
Why are they doing this to us ? oh Israel , Why ? ليش بتساوو فينا هيك يا الجيش الاسرائيلي

Photographer: Roxana Tomita
05. The Sound of Free Speech Part 01
This is the sound of free speech
Ahuh, Ahuh, Ahuh, Ahuh, Ahuh, Ahuh, Ahuh, Ahuh,
Ooooh Yeah !
2005 marked the “Hitnatkut” the official withdrawal of the Israeli Army and the dismantling of settlements in the strip.
Governments have changed in Israel and the question and relevance of Israeli desires for beach front properties along the strip must be raised once again.
Is the up cycling of Rocket campaigns, evident since the Pillar of Clouds, just a precursor to a west bank style settlement program ? A future paradise, a carbon copy, a settlement dream of the condo overlooking the Hebron Heights only available in Gaza City or of the Philadelphia route ?
Is the real blueprint drafted off the back of the rocket campaigns actually an evolution of the Strip as a Mediterranean beach paradise
The result of our inquiry on the project has meant that some real film and audio content intended for use is disallowed for public broadcast., namely interviews with settlers and Palestinian Arabs in the West Bank, of video footage detailing parts of the town, street, of military personnel and scenes of “disagreement” between the two communities in the settlement areas.
We have though allowed to recreate dialogue and provide comment of observations based around filming in Hebron West Bank, though are obliged due to broadcast restrictions to advise listeners that all content is a reconstruction and based on a theatrical re-presentation of events.
Lets do it Yeah !
Observations, ob ob ob ob ob ob observations
What Observations can be seen, when regarding settlements, when taking as an example, Hebron in the West Bank ?
The Following observations regarding living conditions can be noted:
A prominence of Israeli anti Arabic graffiti sprayed on Arab establishments.
Windows in Arab homes appear to have been smashed and the properties “run down” yet Jewish Settlers properties are in splendid condition.
The construction of cages around Arab properties, where none exist around Jewish properties on the same street.
(Note: the Cages have been provided by Israel to protect Arab Civilians from Bering assaulted and stoned by Settlers )
There is Military policing on foot by the IDF of Public Streets, in the settlement zone in Full Combat gear. Their Guns are always dropped towards the Arab side not the settlement side.
In talking to residents in the settlement zone, Jewish Settlers talk of looking out through motivation windows on to the strip, of a land ripe for development and once cleared inclusion into the Israeli Fold.
The Settlers complain of noise levels, that the Palestinian residents keep irregular hours and wail and shout constantly, that because of this, the happiness of the community is strengthen only by the settlement program.
In talking to Arab Citizens in the Settlement Zone, they talk of constant abuse by Settlers, common assault, throwing of stones and bottles, of being preventing from intervening against bullying, of having to ask permission from the IDF to cross a street to the Settler side and that any response to aggression by Palestinians, women or children , will result in their removal and detention by the IDF.
All settlers engaged, were overfed,. All Palestinians engaged were underfed, underfed, underfed, underfed, underfed, underfed…
06. The Sound of Free Speech Part 02 (Lament Reprise)
Play it Loud
Go Go Lets do it yeah !
Ooooh Yeah !
This is the sound of free speech
This is the sound of free speech
This is the sound of free speech
This is the sound of free speech
This is the sound of free speech
This is the sound of free speech
This is the sound of free speech
This is the sound of free speech
This is the sound of free speech
This is the sound of free speech
This is the sound of free speech
This is the sound of free speech
This is the sound of free speech
This is the sound of free speech
This is the sound of free speech
This is the sound of free speech,
This is the sound of free speech,
This is the sound of free speech,
This is the sound of free speech,
This is the sound of free speech,
This is the sound of free speech
Rachel a 23 year old American activist, had gone out to Gaza to protest land reforms and fight against the Isreali Housing program. Her group had been holding up tanks and bulldozers all morning in Hi Es Salam, Rafah. Other foreigners who were with her said the driver of the bulldozer was aware that Rachel was there, and continued to destroy the houses.
ريتشل, ناشطة اميركية عمرها 23, اجت ع غزة عشان تحتج على تسوية الاراضي عشان مشروع اقامة المستوطنات. جماعتها كانت بتحاول تأخر الدبابات والبلدوزرات طول الصبح ب حي السالم , برفح. اجانب تانين كانو معاها قالو انو سائق البلدوزر بيعرف انو ريتشل كانت هناك, وكمل تدمير البيوت.
Rachel had engaged the Bulldozers attention with a megaphone. At first he just he dropped sand and other heavy debris on her to drive out of the demolition zone but then took matters further by using the bulldozer to push her to the ground and twice drive over her. Both arms, legs and skull were fractured. She was transferred out of the demolition zone to hospital, where she later died. The demolitions continued on schedule, though has been since questioned as illegal.
ريتشل خلت سائق البلدوزر ينتبهلها عن طريق مكبر الصوت. بالاول رمى عليها الرمل وانقاض وحطام حتى يقلعها من موقع الهدم بس الامور وصلت لمنحى تاني وقت استخدمو البلدوزر عشان يوقعوها ع الارض ويدعس عليها مرتين. ايديها, رجليها وراسها تكسرو. اخدوها براة موقع الهدم للمشفى, بعدين هنيك ماتت. الهدم استمر بجدولو, مع انو بهداك الوقت شككو بعدم شرعيتها.
Madness and the Demon in an ever enthralling violent embrace they lay the spawn of their copulation on our homes, our orchards, our fields our, our………………..
Rockets, scream into the sky like hungry mosquitoes seeking to suck the life, the blood from us, to drain us. The Jinn, (جن) The darkness, made from the fire ever changing, ever scorching a monstrous impersonation of humanity metalled by the fists of power media politic to justify how they pour judgement upon us.
we hide, we jump , we run. Fragile soulless dolls fleeing the nightmare condition by violence, in between cracks in concrete steel girders up shooters headless flowers, flowers, flowers in the night garden, flowers for graves, metal twisting lifeless rusting graves.
The explosion in rocket warfare around the Gaza strip and the incendiary social issues of tension between lying the two communities, the issue of an Israeli settlement program appears central to all disagreement.
The settlers living areas are serene as the IDF has their fingers on the trigger. The Defence or the threat of strength, leaves a clear imprint that the IDF are in control and there constant daily presence simply won’t let that be forgotten. For the Palestinian, the true reality is staring up the barrel of an IDF gun.
Entrances to Palestinian front doors wrapped in rusting steel cages, Yet seeing Settlers are gardens flowing with strawberries and roses.
flowing with strawberries and roses,
flowing with strawberries and roses,
flowing with strawberries and roses,
flowing with strawberries and roses,
Comment Com Com Com
Comment Com Com Com
Comment Com Com Com
Comment Com Com Com Comment
In relation to the strip, without disproportionate social control and wealth division would Hamas even exist ? Ironically with this line of questioning in mind, it appears that the Pillar of Clouds is not a guiding light for the Israeli People, it is not a metaphor, it is, in its current form, wantant endless demolition and it is that demolition that will not provide Israel with, as it publicly justifies, a protective edge to guard the civil liberties of the Israeli People,. It is though perhaps more with the intent to drive a parting through the red sea of Arab and World resistance to reach a beach front prime real estate opportunity.
When all the demolition is done, when the site is cleared,. Redevelopment can begin unhindered.
Do Hamas and the PLO, just by existing work in the interests of settlement development drivers by justifying policies of retaliation and occupation ?
The door swings both ways,. Action and reaction, Do those raised in Fear and Anger lean naturally towards Peace or War ? As the rocket responses policies continue, what type of a people are the hard right creating on the neighbouring strip ?
Looking though the smokescreens, the political and Media twists a clarity emerges,. Is this really what the driver for war on Gaza is ?
Not just another clear and build campaign, not a small town resurgence of apartheid, this is a redevelopment plan on a biblical scale. Prime location condo’s in the “Hebron heights” development program .
How far will the policy of Protection for the privileged at any length go ? Not a racism issue, not a tribal war issue , not a religious issue but Over 60 years of the greatest real estate planning in History.

07. PILLAR OF CLOUDS – (DEMO Radio Edit) – A Song for Gaza اعمدة الغيوم – اغنية من اجل غزة
How can there be peace when there is no respect for Human life, Israel , How can there be peace targeting with proportionality ? 1 rocket fired into Israel earns 100 hundred returned ?
كيف من الممكن ان يكون هناك سلام عندما لايوجد حُرمة لحياةِ الانسان, اسرائيل, كيف من الممكن ان يكون مقترناً مع هدف السلام ؟ صاروخ واحد يطلق نحو اسرائيل يستحق مئةً بالمقابل ؟
Why do you pull the whiskers of the cat Hamas, when your rockets are fired from trucks parked outside our schools and hospitals ?
لماذا تنزع شعيرات شارب القط حماس, عندما تُطلق صورايخك من شاحنات متوقفة خارج مدارسنا و مشافينا.
Mossad, shame on your “convenience” so “all seeing” yet unwilling to tell the difference between a fighter and a child.
أيها الموساد عار على ” راحة بالكم ” اذاً ” كل ما ترون ” الى الآن غير راغبين بالقول ما الفرق بين المقاتل والطفل .
When a hammer (HALMUTH – jewish judges hammer) strikes on wood all nails will lift in defiance.
عندما هالموث ” مطرقة القاضي عند اليهود ” تضرب على الخشب كل المسامير سوف تُرفع في تحدٍ.
When a hammer ( HALMUTH – jewish judges hammer) strikes on wood, all nails will lift in defiance.
عندما هالموث ” مطرقة القاضي عند اليهود ” تضرب على الخشب كل المسامير سوف تُرفع في تحدٍ.
When a hammer (HALMUTH – jewish judges hammer) strikes on wood, all nails will lift in defiance.
عندما هالموث ” مطرقة القاضي عند اليهود ” تضرب على الخشب كل المسامير سوف تُرفع في تحدٍ.

Cast & Crew:
Vocalists: Li Webster, Salya , Andie Handei Kumafaro, Kate Shortt
Trumpet: Andie Handei Kumafaro
Chello: Kate Shortt
Turntables, Scratching: DJ Skyaaz
Hand Drums: Jim Dooley
Keys , Synth, Drum Programming, Didgeridoo, Didge, Wind pipes, Bottle glockenspiel: Andie Handei Kumafaro
Model: Zainab Sheikh
Artwork, Design Concept, Studio and Production: FISHINABOX
Lyrics, Storyboard, Scripting: Muhammad Wareef Bawadekji, Salya, Andie Handei Kumafaro, Kate Shortt
©℗ 2015 FISHINABOX (All rights reserved)