a tutta fava sogno vegana ! The ultimate Sicilian stallion of the Vegan Kitchen, this one really cuts it like none before,. we had three helpings each and ended up groaning on the floor in a dreamy giggling haze after it was sooo good..
The Food Bank had already put this little lot out to go for recycling as soon as they turn , whatever doesn’t go to animal sanctuaries goes in the Dumpster at the end of it all. Though diminished and abandoned, the nourishing gifts of mother natures basket, wonderful fruits and vegetables rich still in all that is needed for a healthy balanced diet, provided the variety of perfect bits and bobs to put Italian cooking back on the menu, Vegan Style.
Tonight is Italian night, Let’s do this yeah ! A simple green Bean Mediterranean dish, broad bean ,courgette x 2 or 3, onions (fried, use sh*t loads of them) and garlic (again sh*tloads of it), chestnut mushrooms a paper bag full, around say 20 ish.. (how big is your wok man ?), salt and black pepper, mixed herbs , 2 tea spoons of pesto, oregano, turmeric for colour (should have used paprika but just could not, for the life of me, find that massive bag we picked up at the food bank, where the hell was it ?? ) a tea spoon of sheese (vegan cream cheese) to thicken the sauce.
Now add violife vegan cheese broken up into pieces, yes a WHOLE pack ! and salted cashew nuts , yes a WHOLE bag !! (Get some nuts ! ) and cook through until all cheese has melted and get the tagliatelle on the boil..
serve it up and chow down dudes and dudettes !! Sophia Loren got her figure from Pasta remember not from pouting like some wannabe botox addict.. get with it , get a bit of the “Sicilian” in you…
Wondering what Siclians have got to do with Pasta ? It’s where Pasta dishes like this little number came from. Inspired to explore the Italian Vegan lifestyle ? Check out the below links :
Mamma Mia, What Do You Eat? (Vegan in Italy)
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Look at that! ?
Wow, this pasta dish looks wonderfully decadent! Saving this one to try for sure! Cheers!
your’e most welcome, let me know how the recipe worked out and if you would recommend any changes or enjoy it just as it is ?