Battle for TAIJI Dolphins JAZA VOTE – 太地町のイルカ猟 との戦いは。水族館やシーワールドとの戦い。

Battle for TAIJI Dolphins JAZA VOTE – 太地町のイルカ猟 との戦いは。水族館やシーワールドとの戦い。

県太地町伝統追い込み漁で捕獲したイルカの水族館展示をめぐり、世界動物園水族館協会、が内部の倫理規範に違反するとして、日本動物園水族館協会 に改善・除名通告を行っていた問題で、都内でWAZA加盟継続の賛否を問う会員投票を行い、WAZA残留の投票が多数を占めた。関係者が明らかにした。

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JAZA (The Japanese Association of Zoos and Aquariums) vote burst on to Media this week. Despite efforts in Japan to restrict any articles that criticize the Taiji Dolphin Trade, The global issue of a Japanese vote on whether to continue to take Dolphins from Taiji Cove could not be kept in the dark.

All responses from the Wakayama Taiji homestretch fishing Prefecture (unsurprisingly) were aggressively in support of the continuation of Dolphin Hunting and stated that the JAZA vote against, had been forced wholly  by the World Aquariums Association. Accordingly, most official Japanese mainland News reports stuck to , and in support of the Fishing Industry line that opposition to Dolphin hunting is based on a global racism against Japanese Fishing and Culture a number of press houses opened the story to discussion, or otherwise remained non judgmental of the Taiji Trade.

The People of Japan, (as in every other Country that promotes censorship on controversial Media) have limited access to the balanced facts around the Ethics and Danger over Dolphin Hunting, and, without a counter Media against the main Japanese press machine; public opinion will not shift against the hunt. Despite this, progress has been made on social Media where there is access to a number of global information campaigns over the hunt.

Support is growing on the ground As Japanese people, through Social Media, become more and more aware of the issues around Dolphin Driving in Taiji. Organizing direct action on the ground in Japan is particularly difficult due to, amongst other things, anti protest powers within the Japanese Police allowing demonstrators to be held in cells without charges for up to 28 days. Culturally in Japan, to be held this long will result in dismissal from places of work or colleges and make it exceptionally difficult to find re-employment. Public complaint is frowned upon at all levels of society. Restrictions on day to day living such as these help to dispel public protest at all levels.

There is no ONE, Country-wide, well financed animal rights Lobby in Japan to target campaigns. Though Global Support provides an umbrella for smaller groups on the ground. Smaller groups looking for Media Coverage of related campaigns are welcome to contract us at FISHNABOX and we can run News Press on your Campaigns. Just Inbox “FISHINABOX”.

While direct action is difficult, Japan responds exceptionally well to Media. Whoever owns the Media owns public opinion in Japan. Engage with the Japanese Public, help them see and understand the ethical issues and the health issues around farming Dolphin Meat in Taiji Cove.

The following (below noted) Protest Groups are seeking to raise awareness over the issues and a number of them are now starting to link in global campaigns combining to drive awareness globally and on the ground in Japan:

ACTION GROUPS: Dolphin Project / Dolphin Dreams / Cove Guardians / Fishinabox Records/ Care for the Wild / Born Free Foundation / Dolphin Angels / Captive Cetaceans / Boycott Seaworld / Blackfish Advocates ).

Seek out these online groups on Facebook or Twitter and add your voice to breaking the media black out on the Taiji Dolphin Trade. Japanese People are not getting access to all the facts and in order to voice issue against Taiji, they need your support to better understand the Global disagreement with the Dolphin Trade.

THIS WEEK – Public Outrage / Concern in Japan over Taiji: (Social Media Feed Comments)

殺処分停止を願います。 イルカ狩り反対、この日本で毎年9月から4月まで和歌山県太地町(たいじ町)でイルカ漁が行われている、残酷な狩りの様子はドキュメンタリー映画【ザ・コーヴ】を見れば分かります (I hope culling will stop. I am against Dolphin hunting , The Japan Wakayama Prefecture Taiji carry out dolphin fishing from September to April in Taiji. So very very cruel hunting , if you don’t know about it,then watch [The Cove] Film Documentary

日本の市民の皆さん、イルカ達を助けて下さい。世界が太地町のイルカ生体販売とイルカ漁を見ています。(Japanese people, please help the dolphins. The world is watching  the dolphin trade and fishing in Taiji.)

今再びイルカ漁が問題視されてるから「ザ・コーヴ」観たんだけど、あの行為を伝統だからという理由で続けちゃいけないなという感想を持った。伝統は受け継がれていくべきだという考えは少し頑固な考え方であって時には伝統を終わらせることも必要であると思う。とりあえずイルカ漁に反対ですね。(I watched “The Cove” again, and I am now of the impression that the hunting on grounds of tradition should be left alone . I think sometimes we need to forget about carrying on traditions , it is a stubborn way of thinking. I am opposed to the dolphin fishing now)

イルカ肉は、人間の消費には向いていないのですか?私たちは学校でそれを食べます!子どもによる毒の誤飲事故に注意 ?!!!??? (Dolphin meat, dangerous for human consumption? but we eat it at school ! so Children are accidentally eating poisons? !!! ???)

私たちの国の恥 ! 。イルカ肉は毒されています。日本人は毒殺イルカ肉についての真実を求めて!! (It will save Shame on our Nation. Dolphin meat has been poisoned. we want to know the truth about poisoned dolphin meat !!)

NHKによれば世界の水族館などへのイルカ輸出の9割以上を日本一国がやっていたわけか。これでは世界動物園水族館協会や動物愛護国際団体が怒るのも無理はないだろうと思う。(More than 90% of the dolphin exports come from Japan, such as the world of Aquarium NHK. It is not a surprise it upsets the World Association of Zoos and Aquariums and animal welfare international organizations )

日本人は批判されていません。日本の漁業と政府が批判されています。日本人は私たちが腐敗を止める助けなければなりません。(Japanese people are not being criticized . The Japanese Fishery Business and government of Japan have been criticized. Japanese people must complain ! . )

(WAZA -) イルカ漁には基本的に反対だな。牛や豚の肉を食っていながら、ことさらイルカの肉を食うなとということではない。繊細な感情を持つ高等動物のイルカに苦しい思いをさせるな、とだけ言いたい。伝統・文化だからという説明では、残酷なイルカの殺戮を正当化できないと思う / イルカ漁 ((THE WORLD ASSOCIATION OF ZOOS AND AQUARIUMS) It’s basically opposed to dolphin fishing. While not eating cattle and pig meat, it does not mean that deliberately and Na eat the meat of the dolphin. Do not let the painful thought to dolphin of higher animals with delicate feelings, and I want to say only. In the explanation that because tradition and culture, I think that it can not justify the slaughter of the cruel dolphin / dolphin fishing))


WAZA vote – (English Language)External Press links:

和歌山県太地町の追い込み漁  / イルカ追い込み漁  / 太地町のイルカ漁は


太地のイルカ、入手か否か 静岡県内水族館、影響を懸念。追い込み漁のイルカ入手続行か中止か、水族館苦悩 日本協会

DOWNLOAD and SHARE these TAIJI Awareness posters BELOW on your Social Media Posts: 

Exception to COPYRIGHT © 2015 FISHINABOX (All rights reserved) only permits the making of copies of all campaign posters featured on this page SOLEY for the purpose of campaign action agasint TAIJI COVE.




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